Positions available

Henk HEIJNIS hhx at ansto.gov.au
Thu Sep 19 09:42:03 EST 2002


Year in Industry Scholarships for 2003

Earth Sciences/Chemistry / Environmental Science
2 positions

Earth Science, Chemistry and  Environmental Science students completing their second or third year of university training are invited to apply for an ANSTO Year in Industry Scholarship.  The scholarship provides an excellent opportunity for students to
take one year of industrial training immediately following completion of the 2002 examinations. Successful candidates will be paid a stipend of $27,500 (inclusive of tax and superannuation) for 1764 hours of work within a twelve month period.  
The successful candidates will work for the Human Activities and Climate Change project of the Environment Division, ANSTO.  Students will gain valuable general laboratory experience, and this may include the handling of normal hazardous chemicals and
low-level radioactive materials.  The work areas cover a broad range of tasks in environmental chemistry, both at the fundamental and commercial levels.  Work areas include:
*	Radio-analytical chemistry including high resolution a, b and g radiochemical analysis;
*	Geochronology - 210Pb, 137Cs & U/Th dating, sedimentation and erosion rates;
*	Palaeoecology - Pollen & charcoal analysis;
*	Past Human Impact Studies.  
The positions are considered to be a practical training ground for future chemists and environmental scientists. While the positions will be well supervised, the position will allow a degree of responsibility to be taken.  The candidates must be taking a
degree course majoring in chemistry or environmental science and have completed at least their second year by the end of 2002 and have at least one full year of studies to complete. The scholarship must be undertaken on a full-time basis.
Conditions and application details are available online at:
For further information, please contact Lisa-Marie Williams tel: (02) 9717 3900 or lmw at ansto.gov.au.

The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation is an
Equal Opportunity Employer and operates a smoke free work-place environment.

Dr Henk Heijnis, Principal Research Scientist
Leader Human Activity and Climate Variability Project 
Secretary Australasian Quaternary Association 
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation 
New Illawarra Road, Lucas Heights 2234 NSW Australia 
Telephone: +61-2-97173209 Fax: +61-2-97179270 
Have a look at our Environment web-page!: www.ansto.gov.au/ansto/environment1/index.html <http://www.ansto.gov.au/ansto/environment1/index.html> 
Or personal page: 
Die Erde, sagte er, hat eine Haut; und diese Haut hat Krankheiten. Eine dieser Krankheiten heißt zum Beispiel: "Mensch" 
Also, sprach Zarathustra (Nietzsche) 

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