[Aqualist] Climate change: a paleo-ecological perspective, Southern Connections, Cape Town, January 2004

Simon Haberle Simon.Haberle at anu.edu.au
Mon May 19 09:56:46 EST 2003

<http://web.uct.ac.za/conferences/sc2004/>Southern Connections, Cape Town, 
January 2004... Southern Connections is a large group of scientists from 
all continents who study aspects of biology and earth history of the 
Southern Continents. The fourth Southern Connections Conference will take 
place in Cape Town from 19-23 January 2004.

I would like to invite you to participate in a symposium on Climate change: 
a paleo-ecological perspective at the next Southern Connections meeting in 
Cape Town, January 2004 .

In the past there has been a strong emphasis on inter-hemispheric 
comparisons between paleo-climate records from northern and southern 
latitudes. The aim of this symposium is to examine the nature and timing of 
past climate change as reflected in paleo-ecological records from different 
geographical regions within the southern hemisphere. The presentations 
should encompass a wide range of topics that might include: Dynamics of the 
Southern Westerlies, Abrupt climate change events in the Southern 
Hemisphere (e.g. Is the Antarctic Cold Reversal reflected in paleo-climate 
records from lower southern latitudes?), Comparison between marine and 
terrestrial paleo-ecological records of past climate, and the problems of 
decoupling climate change from human impact in the paleo-ecological 
records. The meeting will provide a unique opportunity to compare 
paleo-ecological records from Africa, Australia, New Zealand,  South 
America and the southern oceanic islands and for participants to interact 
with other scholars from these regions.

If you are interested in contributing, either a poster or an oral 
presentation, please provide a title, preferred method of delivery, and 
abstract to the conference secretariat (via email at 
sc2004 at botzoo.uct.ac.za) by NO LATER than 31 August 2003. See the 
conference web page for further details. Please also send this information 
to me at this email address (simon.haberle at anu.edu.au).

Given that there are limited slots for oral presentations, the poster 
session will be a significant part of the conference.

Convener: Simon Haberle

Please pass this on to any one who may be interested.

Dr Simon Haberle

Fellow & President of the Australasian Quaternary Association
Department of Archaeology & Natural History
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200

tel:    +61 2 6125 3373
fax:    +61 2 6125 4896
web page:    http://rspas.anu.edu.au/rmap/
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