[Aqualist] Opportunity for research students to attend the Quaternary Techniques short course in Wellington, NZ, 19 - 20 May, 2011 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

HEIJNIS, Henk hhx at ansto.gov.au
Thu Apr 28 15:43:04 EST 2011

Subject: Opportunity for research students to attend the Quaternary
Techniques short course in Wellington, NZ, 19 - 20 May, 2011


Dear Quaternary Friends:


AINSE is offering airfare and accommodation support for postgraduate
research students to attend the Quaternary Techniques short course
<http://www.gns.cri.nz/qtshortcourse/>  offered by GNS Science. 

 The NZ$100 registration is to be covered by the candidate or


Application for airfare and accommodation support.

1. To be eligible for support you must be enrolled at an AINSE member
institution <http://www.ainse.edu.au/home2/members> . 

2. Provide a short paragraph on your research project.

3. Explain why attending this course would benefit your research. 

3. Provide your full name and the names of your university and your
university supervisor


Please email your application for support using your university email
address to gillian.blackburn at ainse.edu.au before Friday 4 May. 






Kind regards

Henk Heijnis



Henk Heijnis , BSc, Drs , PhD, Adjunct Professor UTS, Hon Fellow AINSE.

Institute for Environmental Research, Australian Nuclear Science and
Technology Organisation

Locked Bag 2001,  Kirrawee DC, NSW 2232

T: 02 97179086

F: 02 97179270

E:  henk.heijnis at ansto.gov.au <mailto:henk.heijnis at ansto.gov.au>  

 P Please consider our planet before printing this email.


12th South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Association Conference 

When & Where:  Lucas Heights, Sydney Australia, 16-19 October 2012

www.ainse.edu.au/spera_2012 <http://www.ainse.edu.au/spera_2012> 


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