[Aqualist] Vacancy: Joint QM/JCU Senior Curator in Palaeontology (Updated)

Ulm, Sean sean.ulm at jcu.edu.au
Fri Aug 5 09:58:40 AEST 2016

Senior Curator (Palaeontology)

Museum of Tropical Queensland, Townsville

We seek to appoint a highly motivated and productive scientist with a demonstrated track record of research output, international collaboration, external grant funding, collection-based research, and student supervision at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The successful candidate will collaborate with teams of scientists and technical staff at the QM and JCU to conduct original research. He/she will engage with the public and the wider palaeontological community to expand the existing fossil collections held by the museum and university, and curate these collections to an international standard. The candidate will contribute to the development of innovative public programs and exhibitions in accordance with the strategic priorities of the Queensland Museum, provide guest lectures at the undergraduate level, and supervise honours and postgraduate students at James Cook University.

The new position in Palaeontology is a joint appointment between the Queensland Museum (QM) (80%) and the College of Science and Engineering at James Cook University (JCU) (20%)

Job details

Job type: Temporary Full-time
Occupational group: Sciences
Classification: PO4
Workplace Location: Townsville
Job ad reference: QLD/QMB209/16
Closing date 22 August 2016
Yearly salary: $87,143 - $93,882
Job duration: 3 years
Contact person: John Hooper
Contact details: (07) 3840 7722


Possession of a postgraduate degree (PhD highly desirable) in Palaeontology, Geology, or other appropriate discipline, as deemed relevant by the CEO, Queensland Museum and the Dean of the College of Science and Engineering, JCU.

Further information


Professor Sean Ulm PhD FSA MAACAI FAHA
ARC Future Fellow
College of Arts, Society and Education
James Cook University
PO Box 6811, Cairns QLD 4870, AUSTRALIA
t +61 7 4232 1194 | https://espaces.edu.au/tarl

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