[Aqualist] Reminder AQUA AGM - 19 May 2016

Duanne.White Duanne.White at canberra.edu.au
Tue May 17 04:40:18 AEST 2016

A reminder regarding the AQUA AGM on Thursday this week - 12.45 NZ time, 10:45 am Eastern Australian time. 

The key part of the meeting (election of office bearers) should only take 1/2 an hour, so if you can't make the meeting physically, but would like to skype in to cast your ballot we'd value your input.

Further details, including how to sign-into the skype call or to register a proxy can be found below...


From: Aqualist <aqualist-bounces at anu.edu.au> on behalf of Duanne.White <Duanne.White at canberra.edu.au>
Sent: Monday, 2 May 2016 12:06 PM
To: aqualist at anu.edu.au
Subject: [Aqualist] Notice of AQUA AGM - 19 May 2016

Dear all,

The AQUA AGM will be held in conjunction with the annual Quaternary Techniques course, held at GNS Science, Rafter laboratories Lower Hutt on Thursday 19th May at 12:45pm New Zealand time (10:45 am Eastern Australian time). The AGM will be 30 minutes (or less hopefully).

We encourage participation in the AGM and need to have a quorum of 10% of members to vote in a new committee, so we appreciate the time of all those that can attend, either in person, electronically or via proxy.

Also, as usual, are looking for Quaternarists new or old to step into committee roles if they are interested. For the past couple of years we have also trialed 'shadow' committee positions for those that were interested in participating on the committee, so there's an option to try before you buy.

For those of you not able to attend physically you are able to send a proxy vote or you can skype in to the meeting. Please email the current secretary (Duanne.White at canberra.edu.au) if you would like to be included in the skype call or to register your proxy votes.

Agenda for the AGM

1.      Report from the President

2.      Report from the Treasurer

3.      Voting in the new committee - please nominate yourself for any of the positions below

*        President

*        Vice president

*        Secretary (must be an Australian)

*        Treasurer (preferably an Australian)

*        QA editor(s)

*        Website/IT editor and manager

·        General members (up to 2)

4.      Other business


Helen Bostock

President of AQUA

Marine Geologist

+64-4-386-0371 | 301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point, Wellington | www.niwa.co.nz<http://www.niwa.co.nz/>

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