[Aqualist] Southern Ocean sessions EGU

Chris Turney turneychris at gmail.com
Sun Dec 16 01:19:17 AEDT 2018

Hi everyone,

I’m convening a session on the Southern Ocean at EGU next year. There’s two sessions on different aspects. We're keen to encourage palaeo presentations. Please note the deadline for abstracts is a shocker for us in the south: 10 January 2019, 1300 CET.

Hope this might be of interest. Be great to see you in Vienna.

Happy Christmas to all!

All the very best,




Dear colleagues, 

We would like to draw your attention to the following two sessions regarding the Southern Ocean at next year's EGU General Assembly (7-12 April 2019). The submission deadline for abstracts is *10 January 2019, *13:00 CET**.

*OS1.5/BG3.3/CL2.04 "* *The Southern Ocean in a changing climate: open-ocean physical and biogeochemical processes"*

T he Southern Ocean around the latitudes of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is a key region for the uptake, storage and lateral exchanges of heat, carbon and nutrients, with significant impacts on the climate system as a whole. The role of the Southern Ocean as a sink of anthropogenic carbon and heat and as a source of natural carbon in present and future climate conditions remains uncertain. To reduce this uncertainty, understanding the processes underlying the Southern Ocean internal variability and its response to external forcing is critical. Recent advances in observational capabilities, circulation theories, and numerical models are providing a deeper insight into the three-dimensional patterns of Southern Ocean change. This session will discuss the current state of knowledge and novel findings concerning the role of the Southern Ocean in past, present and future climates. This includes e.g. studies of physical, biological and biogeochemical ocean processes as well as of ocean-atmosphere interactions.

Solicited speaker: Anja Studer, University of Basel, Switzerland

Conveners: Lavinia Patara, Judith Hauck, Dan Jones, Chris Turney

Abstract submission: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2019/session/30206


*OS1.6/CR6.2 "* *Under cover: The Southern Ocean’s connection to sea ice and ice shelves"*

In recent years the interaction between the ocean and the cryosphere in the marginal seas of the Southern Ocean has become a major focus in climate research. Questions such as "Why does Antarctic sea ice not decline?", "What controls the inflow of warm water into ice shelf cavities?", and "How does this affect ice sheet stability and sea level?" have attracted scientific and public attention. Recent advances in observational technology, data coverage, and modeling provide scientists with new opportunities to understand the mechanisms involving ice-ocean interaction in the far South much better. Processes on the Antarctic continental shelf have been identified as missing links between the cryosphere and the deep open ocean that need to be captured in large-scale and global model simulations. This session calls for studies of the Southern Ocean's marginal seas including the Antarctic continental shelf and ice shelf cavities. Physical and biogeochemical interactions between ice shelves, sea ice and the open ocean are of major interest, as are consequences for the greater Antarctic climate system. This includes work on all scales, from local to basin-scale to circumpolar. Studies based on in-situ observations and remote sensing as well as regional to global models are welcome. We particularly invite cross-disciplinary topics involving physical and biological oceanography, glaciology or biogeochemistry.

Conveners: Torge Martin, Xylar Asay-Davis, Nadine Steiger, Ralph Timmermann

Abstract submission: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2019/session/30209


We hope to see many of you in Vienna next year. Please feel free to circulate this email to colleagues who may be interested.

Apologies for cross-postings.

Kind regards,

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Chris Turney, Professor / FRSA FRMetS FGS FRGS FHEA 
turneychris at gmail.com

Scientist, Author, Explorer 
Reporting discoveries when they happen, where they happen at www.intrepidscience.com 
www.christurney.com ( http://www.christurney.com/ )

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