[Easttimorstudies] TLGOV: New Ambassador Presents Credentials to the Governor-General of Australia

Jennifer Drysdale jenster at cres10.anu.edu.au
Thu Mar 30 09:49:34 EST 2006

Via the ETAN List:

>29 March 2006 For Immediate Release
>Timor-Leste New Ambassador Presents Credentials 
>to the Governor-General of Australia
>H.E Eng. Hernani Coelho da Silva, the new 
>Ambassador of Timor-Leste to Australia today, 29 
>March 2006, presented his credentials to the 
>Governor-General of the Commonwealth of 
>Australia, H.E Major General Michael Jeffery AC 
>CVO MC (Retd) at the Government House in Canberra.
>“I look forward to working closely with the 
>Federal, State and Local Governments as well as 
>their respective Parliaments to bolster the 
>bilateral relations between Timor-Leste and Australia,” Ambassador Coelho said.
>The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr. Abel 
>Guterres, the Consul-General of Timor-Leste in 
>Sydney and Mr. Lisualdo Gaspar the Embassy’s 
>Second Secretary.  On the occasion he also 
>conveyed a message of warmest regards from the 
>President of the Democratic Republic of 
>Timor-Leste, H.E Mr. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão and 
>assured his commitment to strengthen the 
>bilateral relations between the two countries during his tenure in Australia.
>Ambassador Hernani, is the second Ambassador of 
>Timor-Leste to Australia after the first 
>Ambassador Mr. Jorge Teme finished his post on August 2005.
>For further information please contact:
>Madalena Filipe Alves, Fausto de Sousa
>Direcção das Relasões Públicas do MNEC
>E-mail: <mailto:public-affairs at mnec.gov-tl.net>public-affairs at mnec.gov-tl.net
>Phone: 723 0058, 728 9673
>Fax: +670 3 333 9025
>                                             And
>Mr. Lisualdo Gaspar, Second Secretary of
>Timor-Leste Embassy in Canberra
>Tel: +61 2 6260 8800
>Email: timor.embassy at bigpond .com

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