[TimorLesteStudies] Conference Call for Registrations and Papers - Nation-Building across Urban and Rural Timor-Leste

Anna Trembath anna.trembath at rmit.edu.au
Wed Apr 1 12:35:21 EST 2009


Nation-Building across Urban and Rural Timor-Leste
Gender, Justice, Peace and Security, Development and Governance
A Conference to Reflect on 10 Years of Nation-Building in Timor-Leste

Wednesday 8 July to Friday 10 July 2009 
Dili, Timor-Leste

See: http://www.timor-leste.org/events/nationbuilding.html 

The primary objective of this conference is to create an opportunity
for East Timorese to present and participate in an international
conference. As such, there will not be a general call for papers for
non-East Timorese speakers. However, registration for attendance is now
open. Please note that places for attending the conference are strictly



Hari’i Nasaun iha Timor-Leste Urbanu no Rurál
Jeneru, Justisa, Paz no Seguransa, Dezenvolvimentu no Governasaun
Konferénsia atu Reflekta ba Prosesu Harii Nasaun iha Timor-Leste
Durante Tinan 10 nia Laran

Loron-kuarta 8 to’o Sexta loron 10 fulan Jullu 2009 
Dili, Timor-Leste

Haree ba: http://www.timor-leste.org/events/hariinasaun.html

Ami konvida maluk sira atu hatama aplikasaun hodi sai aprezentadór iha
konferensia ‘Harii Nasaun iha Timor Leste Urbanu no Rurál’ ho tema
sekundariu jéneru, justisa, paz no seguransa, dezenvolvimentu no
governasaun. Konferénsia ida ne’e buka atu halibur ema profisionál,
membru komunidade no mós akadémiku sira hamutuk, ho objektivu ida mak
atu rona esperiensa husi ema Timor, liu-liu husi komunidade baze nebe
babain la hetan oportundidade atu fo sira nia hanoin. Entaun iha
konferensia ne’e maizumenus aprezentadór 75% husi Timor no 25% husi
rai liur. 

Bele mos rejista/tau naran deit se hakarak tuir konferensia ida-ne'e
maibe lakhi aprezenta.

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