[TimorLesteStudies] New Articles, Book Chapters & Dissertations (October 2019)

Michael Leach mleach at swin.edu.au
Thu Nov 7 15:58:26 AEDT 2019


Bouchon, F. and Prideaux, B. 2019). Leadership and Tourism Development in Rural South-East Asia: Analysis of a Capacity-building Project in a Rural Community in Timor-Leste. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure 15: 1-21. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/S1745-354220190000015001/full/html

Joanne Wallis. 2019. 'Cut and Paste' Constitution-Making in Timor-Leste. The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, cxz012, https://academic.oup.com/cjcl/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cjcl/cxz012/5580597

Sapna Reheem. 2019.  Shifting the Legal Borderlands of Rule of Law Programs - Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) and Public Defenders' Office in East Timor. Revista Estudos Institucionais, 5(2):747-776 https://estudosinstitucionais.emnuvens.com.br/REI/article/view/376

Glenn Alan Windschuttel. 2019. Object verbs: link from Timor-Alor-Pantar to Trans-New-Guinea: an exploration of their typological and historical implications. PhD Thesis, University of Newcastle https://nova.newcastle.edu.au/vital/access/manager/Repository/uon:35345?404;http://www.argusmediagroup.com:80/gaspdf/GasReg.pdf=&expirationmode=forms&ReturnUrl=%2FDefault.aspx%3F404%3Bhttp://www.argusmediagroup.com%3A80%2Fgaspdf%2FGasReg.pdf

Ben Huntley, Amelia Telec and Justin Whyatt. 2019.  The Timor Sea Treaty: An Australian Perspective. The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 36(1) https://brill.com/view/journals/auso/36/1/article-p29_29.xml

Rebecca Strating. 2019.  A 'New Chapter' in Australia-Timor Bilateral Relations? Assessing the Politics of the Timor Sea Maritime Boundary Treaty. The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 36(1) https://brill.com/view/journals/auso/36/1/article-p58_58.xml

Elizabeth Exposto. 2019 The Timor Sea Conciliation and Treaty: Timor-Leste's Perspective. The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 36(1) https://brill.com/view/journals/auso/36/1/article-p43_43.xml

Yoshifumi Tanaka. 2019. Maritime Boundary Delimitation by Conciliation. The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 36(1) https://brill.com/view/journals/auso/36/1/article-p69_69.xml

Matt Grant. 2020. 'Working with Australian Defence Force Interpreters in Timor 1999 and Aceh 2005: Reflections Drawn from Personal Experience'. In Laugesen A., Gehrmann R. (eds) Communication, Interpreting and Language in Wartime. Palgrave Studies in Languages at War. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-27037-7_10


K D M E Handayeni and E F Gomes. 2019. Simulation of Voluntary TDM scenarios on road service level in corridor of Nicolau dos Reis Lobato-Kolmera, Timor-Leste. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 340 012029 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/340/1/012029/pdf

Lambkin, Trevor A. 2019. A further record of 'Charaxes marki' Lane and Muller, 2006 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Charaxinae) from Timor Leste. Australian Entomologist 46(3): 110-112. https://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=683574888394912;res=IELHSS

David Mills, Alex Tilley. 2019. Final Report: Exploring options to improve livelihoods and resource management in Timor-Leste's coastal communities. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) http://stage.aciar.gov.au/sites/default/files/project-page-docs/final_report_fis.2010.097.pdf

Cristine Ingrid S. Narcise. 2018. 'Strengthening Capacities for Marine Conservation and Livelihood Development in Timor-Leste'. In Chua, T.-E., L.M. Chou, G. Jacinto, S.A. Ross, and D. Bonga. (Eds). Local Contributions to Global Sustainable Agenda: Case Studies in Integrated Coastal Management in the East Asian Seas Region. Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) and Coastal Management Center (CMC), Quezon City, Philippines. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/d150/b65e235256887739abaf1ec67c5d370db4ea.pdf


Rosemary King and Linda Jones. 2019. Key factors deterring women's engagement with skilled birth attendants in three districts of Timor-Leste. A qualitative descriptive study. Midwifery 79, 102555 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0266613819302463

Calache H., Christian B. , Mamerto M., et al. 2019.   An epidemiological study of dental caries and associated risk factors among primary school children in the Aileu Municipality, Timor-Leste. Rural and Remote Health 19(4):5322 https://europepmc.org/abstract/med/31607139

Jessica Y. H. Aw, Naomi E. Clarke et al. 2019. Giardia duodenalis infection in the context of a community-based deworming and water, sanitation and hygiene trial in Timor-Leste. Parasites and Vectors 12: 491. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13071-019-3752-9

Professor Michael Leach
Politics and International Relations
Faculty of Health, Arts and Design
Swinburne University of Technology
H98, PO Box 218 Hawthorn VIC
Phone: +61 3 9214 5357
New book (now available in paperback): https://www.routledge.com/Nation-Building-and-National-Identity-in-Timor-Leste/Leach/p/book/9780367025243

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