[Galileo] history of science post at Harvard

Jason Grossman Jason.Grossman at anu.edu.au
Sun Oct 21 08:14:28 EST 2007

Open-ranked Search (2007-2008)
History of Science

Pending budgetary approval, the Department of the History of Science at
Harvard University is conducting an open-rank search in the 20th-century
(and especially post-WWII) history of molecular biology, biotechnology,
and/or the biomedical sciences. Candidates who work at the interface of
history of science and related fields such as sociology and anthropology
are also welcome to apply. A strong doctoral record is required and the
Department is especially interested in candidates at earlier stages of
their careers, with exceptional promise as scholars, teachers and  
and able to offer courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The appointment is expected to begin on July 1, 2008.

Applications should include a c.v., a brief outline of present scholarly
projects and future plans, a brief statement of teaching experience and
approach, and at least three letters of recommendation. We also  
candidates to submit a sample of recent publications or writings and
external teaching evaluations, if available.

Please address application materials to Professor Peter Galison c/o  
Lajoie, Department of the History of Science, Harvard University,  
Center 371, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

Application deadline is December 1, 2007.

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