[LINK] Fwd: reminder: Access card forum - 12 March, Canberra

Jan Whitaker jwhit at janwhitaker.com
Fri Mar 9 17:25:22 AEDT 2007

>Access card or ID card?
>Deb Foskey, ACT Greens MLA, invites interested members of the public 
>to a lunchtime forum next Monday on the Federal Government's 
>proposed health and social services access card at the ACT.
>Guest Speakers
>Anna Johnston
>'No ID card' Campaign Director, Australian Privacy Foundation (APF),
>Julia Nesbitt
>Director General Practice and eHealth, Australian Medical Association (AMA)
>The forum will examine concerns raised by prominent organisations 
>and politicians about the introduction of the access card. The APF 
>is the leading non-government organisation dedicated to protecting 
>privacy rights, and appeared before a Senate Standing Committee 
>inquiry into the access card legislation to outline their concerns.
>"The APF called upon the Senate Committee to reject the Access Card 
>proposal as unjustified, unworkable, inadequate, and a potentially 
>costly and stupid mistake" Anna Johnston said.
>"All major political parties, including the Government, have stated 
>their opposition to a national ID card, and public opinion polls 
>suggest Australians' opposition to ID cards remains high".
>The AMA made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee and will 
>be appearing before the Inquiry. The AMA, in it's submission to the 
>Committee, raised concerns around privacy, function creep and the 
>age eligibility for people to obtain the access card. The AMA also 
>was concerned about the rush to push through access card legislation.
>  The forum will provide the public with an opportunity to hear from 
> two prominent organisations involved in the access card debate, and 
> provide a public opportunity to raise and discuss their 
> concerns.  Kerrie Tucker, Greens MLA 1995-2004, co-chair of Poverty 
> Week 2006 and Greens Senate candidate for the 2007 Federal 
> election, will moderate the forum and subsequent discussion.
>Access card or ID card?
>Legislative Assembly Reception Room, Civic Square
>12.30 to 1:45pm Monday 12 March 07
>For more information contact Roland Manderson, Office of Greens MLA 
>Deb Foskey on 62050551 or email 
>foskey@<mailto:foskey at parliament.act.gov.au>parliament.act.gov.au.

Jan Whitaker
JLWhitaker Associates, Melbourne Victoria
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com
personal: http://www.janwhitaker.com/personal/
commentary: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/

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