[LINK] technical question: security alert

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Fri Mar 6 08:11:36 AEDT 2009

On 05/03/2009, at 11:22 PM, Kim Holburn wrote:

> The first thing that strikes me looking at that is that the source
> port is 6882 and the destination port is what you might call "random"
> which is very odd for an initialisation packet.  It looks more like a
> reply packet or something trying to look like a reply packet.

This encouraged me to look at my router security alert logs for all  
port 6882 activity (not that this port alone warrants inspection)  
since I bought the router some years ago.

It's possible to spend weeks sifting through the data, and would keep  
someone amused for a long time, if they needed that level of amusement  
or interest.

But sadly, I'm more interested in knowing why Kim knows about the PI  
firm that works for the RIAA...


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