[LINK] George Brandis, Asio and the battle to control Australia's telecommunications

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Fri Mar 24 09:04:30 AEDT 2017


> A bill before the parliamentary intelligence committee would allow for the shutting down of services deemed prejudicial to security

> Over the past two years, a battle has been quietly waging that will have profound consequences for the future of the internet in Australia.
> If the battle is won by the government, it would see the attorney general, George Brandis, and the head of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation have a vice-like grip over Australia’s telecommunications industry. Their powers would extend to being able to shut down services that are deemed prejudicial to security and potentially have an impact on on services such as Facebook or Twitter.
> The Telecommunications and Other Legislation Bill 2016, which follows on from the data retention requirements introduced in 2015 is now before the parliamentary intelligence committee, which will hold what are likely to be the final hearings on Thursday.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753
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