Animals - part 1 - marsupials

Thomas H. Slone THSlone at
Sun Oct 21 00:03:11 EST 2001

OK, here are some more definitions.  This time I'm sending animals in 
four parts: marsupials, sea life, birds, and others.


kapul: any of various marsupials, e.g., possums, cuscuses or kangaroos

kuskus: marsupials of the family Phalangeridae (true cuscuses) and 
the family Pseudocheiridae (ringtails). The white (spotted) cuscus is 
Spilocuscus maculatus maculatus (waitpela kuskus) (Flannery, 1995: 
161-187; 210-230).
Question: has anyone heard of kuskus referring to a tree kangaroo as 
Mihalic reports?  Referring to a secretary, clerk, etc.?

mang: "small rat-like creature with a long thin tail" (Murphy, 1985: 60)
Question: This sounds like it may refer to rodents and bandicoots. 
Has anyone heard the term used?  Does anyone know which animals it 
applies to specifically?

mumut: 1. bandicoot (Microperoryctes spp. and Peroryctes spp.) and 
the related echymipera (Echymipera spp.); marsupials in the family 
Peroryctidae (Flannery, 1995: 104-121) 2. to scavenge (as per Mihalic)

sikau: 1. bandicoots (family Peroryctidae) (Flannery, 1995: 104-121) 
2. kangaroos (family Macropodidae)  (Flannery, 1995: 124-160)

sikau bilong diwai: tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus spp.) (Murphy, 1985: 
60; Flannery, 1995: 124)


Flannery, Timothy F. (1995). Mammals of New Guinea. Ithaca, NY: 
Cornell University Press.

Murphy (already in Web site bibliography)

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