[PapuanLanguages] "What is your name?" - thanks

David Gil gil at shh.mpg.de
Thu Feb 1 13:50:18 AEDT 2018

Hi everybody,

Greetings from Manokwari, West Papua.  I'd like to thank all of you who 
responded to my query about how you say "What is your name?".  I attach 
a map showing the results so far, with different colours representing 
different choices of question words, as follows:

PINK - either WHO or WHAT
YELLOW - a single form that means both WHO and WHAT
BLACK - some other question word (typically HOW or WHERE)
WHITE - no question word (typically "Say your name" or just "Your name")

(Note: a language is classified as RED, BLUE, PINK or YELLOW even if it 
has alternative strategies involving other or question words. For 
example, English, with "What is your name" is BLUE, even though you can 
also say "Say your name" or just "Your name".)

Although the map seems to have lots of languages already, I would be 
grateful for more, Papuan or Austronesian.  So please keep the data 
coming in.

Many thanks,


David Gil

Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History
Kahlaische Strasse 10, 07745 Jena, Germany

Email: gil at shh.mpg.de
Office Phone (Germany): +49-3641686834
Mobile Phone (Indonesia): +62-81281162816

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