[Perl.sig] Perl-tip: Ordering hashes

Litss Coordinator litss.coord at anu.edu.au
Wed Jun 29 16:24:52 EST 2005

>From Jacinta Richardson:

==== Object Oriented Perl course ====

             Sydney: 21st - 22nd July.

     When working on large projects, or writing reusable components, or
     breaking a problem into manageable sections, an Object Oriented
     can be invaluable. Perl Training Australia is running it's Object
     Oriented Perl course in Sydney, on the 21st and 22nd July.

     Most modern CPAN modules are written using Perl's Object Oriented
     features, and sub-classing and extending them represents a huge saving
     in development, testing, and maintenance. Our Object Oriented Perl
     course will be covering this, as well as the theory of Object Oriented
     design, inheritance and multiple inheritance, operator overloading, and
     plenty of practical exercises.

     Book now to secure your place at

==== The Australian System Administrators Conference (Western Australia)


     Perl Training Australia is presenting its very popular *Introduction to
     Perl* course at the up-coming SAGE-AU conference as a one-day tutorial.
     Come along to the tutorial and the conference for only $726.75 (plus
     SAGE-AU membership if required). This represents a big saving on Perl
     Training Australia's usual course costs, and includes the conference's
     two-day technical programme.

     The conference runs from the 5th - 9th September at the Rendezvous
     Observation Hotel in Perth.

==== Ordered hashes ====

     At Perl Training Australia we're always happy to answer simple Perl
     questions. One question we're frequently asked involves hashes, and
     something like this:

             I've created a hash to map the months of the year to the number
             days they each have.  I know that I'm putting the values in to
             hash in the correct order but when I iterate over the keys,
             come out differently.  How can I get them to come out in month

     Perl hashes have no internal order. Under the hood, a hash consists of
     number of "buckets". When a record is inserted into the hash, the key
     transformed, using a "hash function", into a bucket number. The details
     of the hash function itself are not important, but a good hash function
     ensures that even very similar keys are mapped to different buckets. If
     too many keys map to the same bucket, then Perl has to spend a lot of
     time searching through that bucket for the corresponding value.

     The important thing is not *how* Perl puts the key into the hash table
     but what the table gives us. To find if a value is in a hash, Perl
     the key name supplied, applies the same transformation and checks to
     whether the key is in that position. This is much faster than searching
     through an ordered list.

     However, while we often appreciate the speed in which hashes work,
     sometimes we want to maintain key order as well. A common solution is
     create both our hash and an array. The array stores the keys in sorted
     order and we can then iterate through our has as required:

             my @months = qw(January February ... );

             my %days_in = ( January => 31, February => 28, ... );

             foreach my $month ( @months ) {
                     print "$month has $days_in{$month} days\n";

     If @months and %days_in are created in one place in our program and
     never changed (such as could be expected for a list of months of the
     year) then this is a very good solution. However if our hash is likely
     to grow over time then we can encounter problems. What happens if a key
     is added to one structure but not the other?

     Fortunately there are better solutions.

==   Tie::InsertOrderHash   ==

     This module is available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
     (CPAN) http://search.cpan.org.

     If you wish to preserve the insert-order of your elements in your hash
     then ``Tie::InsertOrderHash'' may be the tool for you. It's usage is
     very simple:

             use Tie::InsertOrderHash;

             tie my %days_in => 'Tie::InsertOrderHash',
                     January   => 31,
                     February  => 28,
                     March     => 31,
                     April     => 30,
                     May       => 31,
                     June      => 30,
                     July      => 31,
                     August    => 31,
                     September => 30,
                     October   => 31,
                     November  => 30,
                     December  => 31;

             print join(" ", keys %days_in), "\n";

             # prints: January February March April May June July August
             # September October November December

     In the above example, we're setting the hash at creation time. This is
     not required. We can add our values to our hash whenever we desire,
     like a normal hash, further, our values can be any kind of value we can
     normally use in a hash.

             tie my %friends => 'Tie::InsertOrderHash',
                     Paul => 'likes scuba diving';

             $friends{Daniel} => 'travels around the world';

             tie my %restaurant_rating => 'Tie::InsertOrderHash';

             $restaurant_rating{'Enlightened Cuisine'} = 9;

     Note that these hashes only preserve insert-order. Thus if we later
     change February in our our ``days_in'' hash to have 29 days because of
     leap year, February will be moved to the end of the list.

==   Hash::IxHash;   ==

     This module is available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
     (CPAN) http://search.cpan.org.

     ``Tie::InsertOrderHash'' does not allow you to change values in your
     hash and keep the original ordering. Thus, as mentioned above, updating
     the days in February will cause February to now appear after December
     when listing the keys.

     If you want to be able to change values without changing the ordering
     then ``Tie::IxHash'' may be a better option.

             use Tie::IxHash;

             tie my %days_in => 'Tie::IxHash',
                     January   => 31,
                     February  => 28,
                     March     => 31,
                     April     => 30,
                     May       => 31,
                     June      => 30,
                     July      => 31,
                     August    => 31,
                     September => 30,
                     October   => 31,
                     November  => 30,
                     December  => 31;

             # And later
             $days_in{February} = 29;

             print join(" ", keys %days_in), "\n";

             # prints: January February March April May June July August
             # September October November December

     There is also ``Tie::Hash::Indexed'' which provides less features than
     ``Tie::IxHash'', but is considerably faster.

     To get a similar behaviour to ``Tie::InsertOrderHash'' you can
     ``delete'' a key-value pair from your hash before providing the new
     value. Thus if we were to write:

             $days_in{June} = 3;

     then June would be considered to have been inserted last.

==== Upcoming Courses in Canberra ====


             Introduction to Perl:               1st - 2nd November
             Intermediate Perl:                  3rd - 4th November

==== Upcoming Courses in Melbourne ==== ====


             Introduction to Perl:               11th - 12th August
             Intermediate Perl:                  18th - 19th August
             Perl Best Practices:                14th - 15th November
             Understanding Regular Expressions:  22nd November

==== Upcoming Courses in Sydney ====


             Object Oriented Perl:               21st - 22nd July
             Introduction to Perl:               20th - 21st September
             Intermediate Perl:                  22nd - 23rd September

==== Corporate Courses ====


     Do you have a large group, or the need for training at a particular
     time? Perl Training Australia is happy to arrange a course in the time
     and place that best suits you. For more information read our page on
     Corporate Courses at http://perltraining.com.au/corporate.html or call
     us on +61-3-9354-6001.

This Perl tooltip and associated text is Copyright Perl Training Australia.
You may freely distribute this text so long as it is distributed in full
with this Copyright noticed attached.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us:
   Email: contact at perltraining.com.au
   Phone: 03 9354 6001

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