[Psych-Soc] ANU Psychology Society "Childhood Dreams and Memories" Ball 2002

John Greenwood john@rawpine.com
Thu, 12 Sep 2002 20:01:48 +1000

Hi everybody,

Coming soon...

The ANU Psychology Society presents:


Friday October 11 (Week 10)

Black Opal Room
Canberra Racecourse

Including a 3 course dinner and 4 hours of drinks!

Come dressed as your favourite dream or memory from childhood! Think
Superman, Sleeping Beauty, Voltron, Freudian Oedipal Complexes, Piagetian
Concrete Operations, and so on...

An after-party will also be held at In Blue, with buses going from the
Racecourse into Civic (included in the ticket price to be announced

Tickets go on sale Wednesday 18 September (Week 9).

You can get yours between 12-1 at our table in the refectory, or anytime
from Michelle in the SA building (just above the Commonwealth Bank in Union

The event is also proudly sponsored by that refreshing energy drink, Red
Bull. 9 out of 10 developmental psychologists recommend Red Bull for the
resolution of unresolved psychodynamic conflicts and healthy ego
development. Have you had yours today?

More details to come so stay tuned!


John Greenwood