[Aqualist] Initiative to name a new NERC ship for Polar Research as RRS Sir Nicholas J. Shackleton

David Lowe dlowe at waikato.ac.nz
Sat Mar 26 08:08:03 AEDT 2016

Dear Colleague,
Marie/France Loutre, the Treasurer of the INQUA Commission, point to our
attention the possibility to vote to give a name to a ship that shall sail
to the Arctic Sea in the near future. A colleague  suggested to give the
name of Sir Nicholas Shackleton. The past President, Margareth Avery,  my
self, Frank Audemaud and other support this initiative. Could you
disseminate and also support it ?? It is person by person so more person
shall enter the site and vote the more possibilities we shall have to have
the ship intitled to Sir Nicholas Shackleton. Please disseminate in your
Mauro Coltorti

*From:* marie-france.loutre at pages.unibe.ch
*Sent:* Thursday, March 24, 2016 4:44 PM
*To:* allan.ashworth at ndsu.edu ; mavery at iziko.org.za ;
ztguo at mail.iggcas.ac.cn ; faudemard at funvisis.gob.ve ;
T.van.Kolfschoten at arch.leidenuniv.nl ; brian.chase at univ-montp2.fr ;
inquasinghvi at gmail.com ; alessandro.michetti at uninsubria.it ;
nicola.whitehouse at plymouth.ac.uk ; c.sloss at qut.edu.au ;
maurocoltorti at gmail.com
*Subject:* Fwd: Initiative to name a new NERC ship for Polar Research as
RRS Sir Nicholas J. Shackleton

Sorry I think that I missed one part of the message in forwarding it.

Début du message réexpédié :

Dear all,

In case you want to participate in Lucia de Abreu's initiative (see below;
now joined with the entry by Emilia Salgueiro), try this link:


or start with http://nameourship.nerc.ac.uk  and search for the name Sir
Nicholas Shackleton

voting goes by clicking on the heart (or at least did at the beginning).

On 3/17/16 9:53 PM, Lucia de wrote:

Dear friends and collegues,

Nerc is asking us to suggest a name to a new polar research ship. I have
submitted an entry as RRS Sir Nicholas J. Shackleton, for all is work done
in Paleoceanography, his brilliant mind and his humble charater. I think we
could honour his memory one more time if this ship can bear his name and
continue to work in the same field. If you want to help please vote on my
entry until the 16th of April and share it between our many colleagues that
worked with  Nick, I am sure that together we have a change to do it.


Thank you


*Dr. Marie-France Loutre *|  Executive Director
PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office
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*Professor David J. Lowe* PhD, FRSNZ, FNZSSS
Earth sciences, School of Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering,
University of Waikato, Private Bag 3105,Hamilton, NEW ZEALAND 3240
*Honorary Life Fellow, International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA)*

*Immediate past-president, INQUA International Focus Group on
Tephrochronology and Volcanism (INTAV)*

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