[Aqualist] INQUA session: high-resolution lake sediment records

Valerie van den Bos valerie.vandenbos at vuw.ac.nz
Mon Jan 7 10:02:44 AEDT 2019

Hi all,

For those of you who still need to submit their INQUA abstract (like me), please consider our poster-only session on lake sediment records:

"High-resolution palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from lake sediment records: new methods, new records, new challenges"

INQUA Commission: Palaeoclimate
Convenors and Co-Convenors: Stefan Engels (Convenor), Michal Słowiński (Co-Convenor), Valerie van den Bos (Co-Convenor)

Description of Session: High-resolution studies of lake sediment records offer the potential to reveal critical new data on climate and ecosystem dynamics throughout the Quaternary, as well as providing a unique means to analyse the effects of anthropogenic forcing on natural ecosystems on a range of temporal and spatial scales. Quantified palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimate reconstructions can be achieved through the application of a range of different techniques, including sedimentological, palaeoecological and biogeochemical approaches. Recent developments in palaeolimnology include advances in laboratory analytical methods, increased sampling resolution and improvements in chronological techniques, and are supported by detailed analyses of recent lake sediment depositional processes. Together, they allow the generation of records with annualto-decadal scale resolution of past environmental and climate change, which can provide key insights into the sensitivity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to external forcing, and offer the opportunity to directly compare palaeolimnological reconstructions to instrumental data and modelling results.
This session aims to explore and discuss methods for and examples of high-resolution studies of lake sedimentary archives. We particularly encourage submissions that introduce new high-resolution analytical methodologies, studies focussing on leads and lags between proxy-records within and between lake records, and papers that attempt to address regional- or continental-scale environmental reconstructions, for instance through model-data comparisons.

I hope to see you all in Dublin!

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