[Easttimorstudies] looking for a paper

Bob Boughton bob.boughton at une.edu.au
Wed Aug 30 17:16:36 EST 2006

Cn anyone on this list tell me how to obtain a copy of this paper, 
which Antro referred to in his Beyond the Crisis Coference paper in 
Canberra in June

Da Silva, AB 2004, 'Potential of education for conflict 
transformation and identity
reconstruction in the cultural context of Uato-Lari and Uato-Carbau', A paper
presented to The Teachers Formation Centre, Baucau, Timor-Leste.
Dr. Bob Boughton
Senior Lecturer
Adult Education & Training
School of Professional Development and Leadership
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351, Australia

phone:	+61 2 67732913
email: bob.boughton at une.edu.au

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