[Easttimorstudies] East Timorese Youth at Sydney Writers Festival

Angie Clare Bexley Angie.Bexley at anu.edu.au
Thu May 11 10:46:31 EST 2006

Two East Timorese have been invited to join the Sydney Writers Festival
22-28 May in a free session called 'Spotlight on East Timor' (see below)

This is particulary exciting as these two artists are involved in a much
larger cultural project of establishing Tetum in fiction writing.

and the website for more details:


Spotlight on East Timor
Friday, May 26 2006,  09:30 - 10:30
Bangarra Mezzanine

Milena Da Silva, Melchior D. Fernandes

Come on a trip to the world’s youngest nation and discover how writers are
faring there. Milena Da Silva and Melchior D Fernandes talk about the role
of writers in the construction of the nation of East Timor.

East Timorese dramatist and screenwriter Milena da Silva has been part of
the Bibi Bulak dramatic arts troupe since 2002. She has written plays,
radio drama series, scripts for TV series and TV movies. Milena is a
pioneer in the use of Tetum - East Timor's national language - in creative
also appearing at...
Women and Friendship

Melchior Fernandes is an East Timorese artist, musician and writer. As a
young boy he lived dangerously through the last years of the Indonesian
regime. More recently, Meli has been working with East Timor's free arts
school, Arte Moris, and composing music for the theatre company Bibi
Bulak. He lives in Jakarta.

Angie Bexley
Department of Anthropology
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Australian National University
T:+ 02 6125 4130
F:+ 02 6125 3023
Room 4122 (Pacific Asian History Floor)

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