[TimorLesteStudies] Call for papers - Parts of Asia. Goa, Macao, East-Timor

Jennifer Drysdale jenster at cres10.anu.edu.au
Mon Jan 22 10:36:19 EST 2007

 From the ETAN List

>Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 09:11:07 -0500
>To: east-timor at lists.riseup.net
>From: ETAN <fbp at igc.org>
>Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies
>19. Parts of Asia. Goa, Macao, East-Timor
>Guest editor: Cristiana Bastos, ICS, University of Lisbon
>Call for papers
>PLCS 19. Parts of Asia. Goa, Macao, East-Timor
>Guest editor: Cristiana Bastos, ICS, University of Lisbon
>Enclaves, memories, invented traditions, 
>creative genealogies, historical events, 
>identitarian strategies, scientific statements, 
>cultural assemblages, musical styles, political 
>transitions, migrations, linguistic formations, 
>imperial passions, post-colonial writings, 
>tensions, mutual accommodation
>resonances in Asia are about all of that and 
>more. The special issue “Parts of Asia ­ Goa, 
>Macao, Timor ? will bring together works that 
>explore past and present connections between 
>Portuguese culture and Asian experiences in a 
>broad sense (Asia will include Australasia and 
>the Pacific; Portugal stands for actual 
>Portuguese experience of representations of the 
>Portuguese).  We invite authors in the social 
>sciences and humanities to submit abstracts to 
>the journal and contribute to an innovative volume.
>For more information, please e-mail Cristiana Bastos at c.bastos at ics.ul.pt
>For updates,please consult www.plcs.umassd.edu
>Prospective contributors (forthcoming)
>April 1, 2007. Deadline for manuscripts.
>September 1, 2007. Typesetting.
>October 1, 2007. Copyediting.
>November 1, 2007. To the printers.
>December 1, 2007. Volume available on paper.
>ETAN welcomes your financial support. For more 
>info: http://etan.org/etan/donate.htm
>John M. Miller         Internet: fbp at igc.org
>National Coordinator
>East Timor & Indonesia Action Network (ETAN)
>PO Box 21873, Brooklyn, NY 11202-1873 USA
>Phone: (718)596-7668      Fax: (718)222-4097
>Mobile phone: (917)690-4391  Skype: john.m.miller
>Web site: http://www.etan.org
>Send a blank e-mail message to info at etan.org to find out
>how to learn more about East Timor on the Internet
>[This message was distributed via the east-timor 
>news list. For info on how to subscribe send a 
>blank e-mail to info at etan.org. To support ETAN 
>see http://etan.org/etan/donate.htm ]

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