[TimorLesteStudies] Data Specialist required for a Health Projects

Jennifer Drysdale jenster at cres10.anu.edu.au
Tue Jun 19 09:52:13 EST 2007

Please direct enquiries to: sl at anuenterprise.com.au

>Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 16:22:15 +1000
>From: "Stephan Lorenzen" <sl at anuenterprise.com.au>
>To: "Jennifer Drysdale" <jenster at cres.anu.edu.au>
>Cc: "Philippa Roberts" <pr at anuenterprise.com.au>
>Hi Jennifer,
>We are looking for a data specialist who is willing and able to live in Timor
>Leste for six months. The AusAid project is called 'Health Care Seeking
>Behaviour Study in East Timor.'
>You can find a project summary under
>Page 30 shows the job description for the data 
>specialist (all other project jobs are gone).

[Note: I have pasted the details of the job 
description from the document below. - Jen]

>Could you please distribute this to the Timor Leste Studies Association? Any
>interested persons can send me a CV and I will get back to them soon.
>Cheers, Stephan

Position Title: Data Specialist
Location: East Timor HSBS office
• Scientific direction of the study.
• Supervision of the data collection, analysis and report writing.
• Capacity building of the ETRO in research skills.
• Revision of the study design and methodology 
based on review and consultation with stakeholders.
• Preparation of the ethics approval submission.
• Development of the data collection instruments, 
and training and supervision of the field supervisors,
qualitative interviews and field workers.
• Development of the data analysis protocols and supervision of data analysis.
• Preparation of the draft and final reports, 
including identification with MOH policy makers of the policy
and planning implications of the findings.
• Identification of capacity building needs of 
the ETRO, and provision of mentoring and
on the job training.
Required Education/Certification
Tertiary qualifications, preferably in either 
public health and/or the social/behavioural sciences, which
include qualitative and quantitative research methodology.
Essential Criteria:
• Demonstrated experience undertaking and 
analysing qualitative and quantitative research in the health
and/or social/behavioural sciences.
• Demonstrated experience in the conduct of 
population based research and the collection and analysis of
interview based data.
• Demonstrated experience in the preparation of 
research reports to a publishable standard.
• Experience in training staff, including for 
data collection, and data analysis.
Desirable Criteria:
• Experience in research in a developing country context.
Required Skills/Knowledge
• Excellent organisational skills.
• Good knowledge of qualitative and quantitative survey methods and analysis.
• Excellent writing skills.
• Good communication (including interpersonal) skills.
Personal Characteristics
• capacity and willingness to train and support staff.
• Sensitivity to working with communities in developing countries.
• Demonstrated ability to work as part of a team.
• Capacity and willingness to work in an 
environment of high workload and intense time constraints.
• Ability to work in a tropical environment with limited resources.
• Willingness to travel to and spend time in remote areas.
• Willingness and ability to adapt to logistical inconveniences
Language Skills
Oral Communication Written Communication
Essential English English
Desirable Tetun, Bahasa Indonesia and/or 
Portuguese Tetun, Bahasa Indonesia and/or

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