[TimorLesteStudies] East Timor: Beyond Independence - Melbourne Book Launch, Friday May 18

Jennifer Drysdale jenster at cres10.anu.edu.au
Fri May 11 12:02:39 EST 2007

Enquiries to; michael.leach at deakin.edu.au
>Book Launch
>East Timor: Beyond Independence
>Edited by Damien Kingsbury and Michael Leach
>Monash Asia Institute Press, 2007.
>Friday May 18
>Victoria University "Learning Commons"
>15th Floor
>300 Flinders St
>6pm, for 630pm start
>All welcome.
>Drinks, Finger Food.
>To be launched by: Mr. Kevin Bailey, Honorary Consul for 
>Timor-Leste, Victoria.
>* East Timor: Beyond Independence will also be launched in Dili, in 
>late June. Details to follow.
>Dr. Michael Leach
>Research Fellow
>Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation
>Faculty of Arts, Deakin University
>221 Burwood Hwy, Burwood, VIC 3125 Australia
>Ph.:(61-3) 9244 3923 Fax: (61-3) 9244 6755
>Email: michael.leach at deakin.edu.au

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