[TimorLesteStudies] [Asian-Currents] ASIAN CURRENTS, October 2007, Issue #40

Jennifer Drysdale jenster at cres10.anu.edu.au
Thu Oct 18 10:38:24 EST 2007

>From: "valerie shavgarova" <valerie.shavgarova at anu.edu.au>
>To: <asian-currents at anu.edu.au>
>Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 10:05:56 +1000
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>Asian Studies Association of Australia
>  Asian Currents
>The Asian Studies Association of Australia's e-bulletin
>Maximising Australia's Asian Knowledge
>October 2007 | ISSN 1449-4418 | 
>for the plain copy (no images) of this issue 
>please click <http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/asian-currents-07-10.htm>here
>In this issue:
>    * <http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/asian-currents-07-10.html#2>Analysis:
>        * 
> <http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/asian-currents-07-10.html#2a>ASIAN 
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> <http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/asian-currents-07-10.html#2b>MARITIME 
>    * <http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/asian-currents-07-10.html#3>Profile
>    * 
> <http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/asian-currents-07-10.html#4>Student of the month
>    * 
> <http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/asian-currents-07-10.html#5>Website of the month
>    * 
> <http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/asian-currents-07-10.html#6>Recent 
> publication of interest
>    * <http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/asian-currents-07-10.html#7>Did you know?
>    * <http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/asian-currents-07-10.html#8>Diary dates
>    * <http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/asian-currents-07-10.html#9>Feedback
>    * 
> <http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/asian-currents-07-10.html#10>About the ASAA
>by Professor Adrian Vickers, University of 
>Sydney <mailto:adrian.vickers at usyd.edu.au>adrian.vickers at usyd.edu.au
>When I was asked to write on the topic of what 
>the forthcoming election might mean for 
>Asianists in Australia, the question that came 
>to mind was: ‘How much difference will it make 
>if Labor wins?’ For it is likely that if the 
>Coalition is returned, we will have business as 
>normal: the fostering of good relations with 
>certain leaders, primarily in the name of the 
>‘War against Terror’, with the focus still 
>on Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, Japan and India.
>In this respect the key difference in a Rudd 
>government would be a policy outlook more 
>sympathetic to China. Nevertheless, given that 
>China is so economically important to Australia, 
>the difference would not be felt strongly beyond 
>nuances of foreign policy. If, however, Labor 
>shifted the international priority away from 
>Islam and terrorism, and towards global warming 
>and the environment, issues such as the 
>re-militarisation of Japan would automatically 
>become less important than finding ways to work 
>with China and India to reduce carbon emissions. 
>Connections with Indonesia would shift towards 
>the issue of deforestation and environmental 
>destruction. I should stress that these are 
>matters of emphasis, as Australia has already 
>started to direct international programs in this direction.
>But for me as an Asianist, a Labor victory would 
>provide the possibility that we Australians 
>might actually come to be liked again in our 
>region. Once, travelling as an Australian in the 
>Asia-Pacific, I could be assured of a friendly 
>reception. Even being in Indonesia during 
>earlier ructions such as the Jenkins Affair back 
>in 1986, I never felt that being an Australian 
>was a disadvantage. People would speak to me of 
>the importance of studying English via Radio 
>Australia broadcasts, or their enjoyment of our 
>television programs, or their experiences of 
>having sight restored or getting clean water 
>thanks to Australian aid. In more recent years I 
>have been warned in Indonesia that I should say 
>I am a New Zealander, have heard of Australian 
>tourists being abused and told to ‘go home’ 
>in the Philippines, and have seen the outcomes 
>of Australian policies - such as the 
>‘Pre-emptive Strike’, the deaths of 
>Indonesian fishermen in Australian custody, and 
>the anti-Islamic rhetoric of Australian 
>politicians - excoriated in Asian news media. 
>Not all of these and other unpopular actions in 
>Asia are directly attributable to the Howard 
>Government, but the association has stuck. Only 
>a change of government will shift these perceptions.
>A change of government alone is not enough to 
>make up for all the damage done to Australia’s 
>image in the region. The promises of a Rudd 
>government to restore the promotion of Asian 
>language teaching will be a positive step, as 
>will the general image of Kevin Rudd as someone 
>interested in Asia (and here we can contrast PM 
>Howard’s specific statements against Asian 
>immigration in the late 1980s, statements, I 
>should add, he has since revoked). If we move 
>away from a cultural focus on Britain and the 
>US, we could see unexpected benefits, for 
>example a better promotion of tourism to 
>Australia in burgeoning markets such as China, 
>rather than the culturally insensitive and 
>British-focussed ‘Where the Bloody Hell Are 
>You?’ The latter epitomises the cultural 
>myopia of the Howard years, and says a lot about 
>why Asianists do not receive a good hearing in Canberra.
>Management of the media will play a key role in 
>changing attitudes about Australia in Asia, and 
>of Asia in Australia, and there is much that is 
>beyond the power of government in that area. 
>However a government that is less ready to 
>politicise aid and to play popularist domestic 
>politics with foreign policy, will achieve much.
>Chapter two of the Coalition’s policy document 
>Australia: Strong, Prosperous and Secure deals 
>with Australia and the world: 
>for the ALP’s policies on foreign affairs, trade and aid.
>by Carolin Liss, PhD Candidate, Murdoch 
>University, <mailto:c.liss at murdoch.edu.au>c.liss at murdoch.edu.au
>In the past few years, more and more private 
>security companies (PSCs) have been conducting 
>maritime security services in Southeast Asia. A 
>focus for their operations in the region is the 
>Malacca Straits, one of the busiest waterways in 
>the world. More than 60,000 merchant vessels 
>transit these narrow straits each year. Oil, gas 
>and mineral resources are also found in the 
>area, with both onshore and offshore energy installations in operation.
>Security in the Malacca Straits is an issue 
>because politically motivated groups as well as 
>criminal gangs are active in the vicinity. As 
>the littoral states have not been able to 
>address security threats in the Malacca Straits, 
>ship- and cargo-owners, underwriters, and oil 
>and gas companies have, in recent years, 
>especially since September 11, hired PSCs to 
>protect their assets, particularly from the 
>threat of piracy, sabotage and terrorism.
>While many of the larger companies operating in 
>the region are based in the USA and Great 
>Britain, smaller ones have also been established 
>in Southeast Asia. Many of these consist only of 
>a limited permanent staff, an office and an 
>impressive presence on the Internet, albeit with 
>scant information abut their services and 
>personnel. However, it does appear that the 
>majority of PSCs operating in the maritime 
>sector are founded and staffed by ex-military or 
>ex-law enforcement personnel, with e additional 
>staff and equipment procured on a case-by-case 
>basis, once a contract is signed.
>The role played by PSCs in the Malacca Straits 
>area is twofold. First, their reports and risk 
>assessments have increasing impact on decisions 
>taken by governments and businesses, as well as 
>on the formation of opinion in the public 
>sector. Second, they provide guards and escort 
>vessels for ships transiting the Malacca 
>Straits, akin to the activities of military or 
>local law enforcement agencies. PSC employees 
>conducting this kind of work often carry 
>firearms, making regulation and oversight of 
>such their operations an important issue, but 
>one that has yet to be adequately addressed.
>PSC employees from various companies have stated 
>that they inform the Indonesian and/or Malaysian 
>authorities abut planned operations, either 
>through a liaison officer or a personal contact. 
>In the process money changes hands and the 
>company receives ‘permission’ to conduct its 
>work. PSC employees from various companies have 
>stated that they inform the Indonesian and/or 
>Malaysian authorities about planned operations, 
>either through a liaison officer or a personal 
>contact. In the process money changes hands and 
>the company receives ‘permission’ to conduct 
>its work. These arrangements do not equate to 
>proper permits. Regional governments should be 
>introducing background checks on PSC personnel 
>and procedures to monitor armed PSC operations. 
>New regulations along these lines, and 
>enforcement of these policies, would ensure that 
>only reputable PSCs (with sufficiently trained 
>personnel), are allowed to operate in the 
>Malacca Straits. This would make the employment 
>of PSCs a less risky business for all.
>Asia Research Centre: 
>Southeast Asia’s Maritime Security Dilemma: 
>State or Market?: 
>Private Security Companies in the Fight against 
>Piracy in Asia: 
>This month we profile Professor John Hearn, 
>Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) and 
>Professor of Physiology at the University of Sydney.
>Q: When did you become interested in studying Asia and why?
>A: I was born in India and have worked with 
>Asian friends and colleagues for over 30 years, 
>especially in China, India and Thailand as well 
>as in other countries. My long-term membership 
>in World Health Organization programs has a twin 
>focus on institutional development in the 
>leadership and management of research and higher 
>education, as well as in my personal research 
>fields of human and animal fertility, stem cell biology and biotechnology.
>Q: What are your current preoccupations?
>A: I am focussed on building university-wide 
>research and education partnerships, encouraging 
>staff and student exchange with leading 
>academic, industry and government partners 
>worldwide. We are implementing programs to 
>internationalise the University in all of its 
>activities as a world centre for new knowledge 
>and its practical applications. This in turn 
>creates opportunities for our staff and students 
>to participate as global citizens in the big 
>issues facing our region and the world.
>A major part of these activities is in Asia, 
>especially in China, India, Indonesia, Japan, 
>Korea, Vietnam and elsewhere. Our programs link 
>the strength of partner universities in issues 
>including health and ageing, rural and urban 
>development, economics and employment, 
>sustainable environment, agriculture and food, 
>government and law, biodiversity and 
>conservation. The University offers top quality 
>degrees at the levels of undergraduate, 
>coursework Masters, and research PhD. There are 
>also executive leadership short courses for mid 
>and later career leaders, through our Research 
>Institute for Asia and the Pacific (RIAP).
>Q: How do these fit into the contemporary scene?
>A: Research and higher education are rightly 
>given top priority by governments, parents and 
>students throughout Asia. Rigorous training and 
>a highly ranked degree lead to good jobs and 
>successful careers. That is our business. It is 
>important that a graduate from Sydney 
>understands the key fundamentals, knows about 
>the leading edge in research and appreciates the 
>practical outcomes. The scene is increasingly 
>competitive, so there is no room for complacency.
>Q: What are your hopes for Asian Studies in Australia?
>A: We can deliver a more integrated approach, 
>where focus and depth in a disciplinary area, be 
>it in the health, science, arts or humanities, 
>is supported by broader education in culture and 
>current affairs. This objective is helped by our 
>work with international governments, industry 
>and agencies, for example with the United 
>Nations agencies and the frameworks of the 
>Millennium Development Goals, OECD, the World 
>Bank and Asia Development Bank, and through 
>scholarships from the Australian and foreign governments.
>The University of Sydney International. 
>Research Institute for Asia and the Pacific. 
>The Australian Group of Eight universities. 
>Australian Education International. 
><http://www.aei.gov.au>http://www.aei.gov.au The 
>World Health Organization. 
>Student of the month
>Matt Eckersley 
>(<http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/ac/meckertime2@hotmail.com>meckertime2 at hotmail.com) 
>started out life as a bit of a wanderer with a 
>love of different cultures and new experiences. 
>A serious illness while cycle touring in Asia 
>forced a return to Australia and some heavy 
>contemplation on future directions. After some 
>serious thought Matt decided a career as a 
>travelling doctor would be a good thing. In a 
>stroke of luck he decided to undertake a degree 
>in Indonesian studies, having baulked at the 
>traditional Biomed degree. While other med 
>students end up with seven years studying 
>science, Matt has acquired another language and 
>a wealth of great experiences from his undergrad degree.
>Studying Indonesia took Matt to Yogyakarta for a 
>year, on the ACICIS program; then in 2005 he 
>spent four weeks to Nias island off the coast of 
>West Sumatra. There he saw the effects of the 
>tsunami and earthquake that had struck earlier 
>that year and the results of the following aid 
>effort. In 2006 he spent two weeks in Yogyakarta 
>after the earthquake there and now in 2007 he is 
>off to Brunei for his six-week general surgery 
>rotation. Next year in the final year of 
>medicine he will complete an eight-week elective 
>at Padang in West Sumatra, focusing on 
>infectious diseases and emergency medicine.
>Although it meant studying harder than others in 
>first year, Matt says that without a shadow of a 
>doubt undertaking the degree in Indonesian was a 
>great decision. Recently in a gala dinner to end 
>a national medical students’ conference this 
>was proven again. With 350 medical students and 
>some prominent politicians in attendance an 
>end-of-night trivia question was put out to find 
>the greatest mind! The question began ‘Which 
>Indonesian president
?’ Say no more for the 
>glory was all Matt’s! ‘Greatest mind’ he 
>definitely thinks not, but what a moment to put 
>the icing on the cake of a degree in Asian studies as a gateway into medicine!
>Website of the month
>The ASAA council has been working on a facelift 
>for the ASAA website. There are links to 60 
>overseas Asian Studies associations, as well as 
>links to Australian centres of Asian Studies. 
>The website offers a searchable database on Asia 
>expertise. See the new website at 
><http://asaa.asn.au/>http://asaa.asn.au and enjoy yourself.
>Recent article of interest
>Big White Lie: Chinese Australians in White 
>Australia by John Fitzgerald, UNSW Press, July 
>Big White Lie shifts our understanding of the 
>White Australia Policy by exploring what Chinese 
>Australians were saying and doing at a time when 
>they were officially excluded.
>The author, Professor John Fitzgerald, head of 
>the School of Social Sciences at La Trobe 
>University has recently been appointed Chief 
>Representative of the Ford Foundation in 
>Beijing. He brings to the position extensive 
>experience studying with Chinese scholars and 
>working with researchers in China on projects 
>ranging from the birth of Chinese nationalism to 
>the origins of the party state, the historical 
>development of China’s system of territorial 
>administration, the experience of racism among 
>the Chinese diaspora, and problems of human 
>dignity and individual rights in contemporary 
>East Asia. He will take up the position in 
>January 2008. 
>Did you know?
> From October 2007, trade mark owners have the 
> chance to register domain names in the new 
> '.asia' top-level domain (TLD), prior to a 
> general release of .asia names in 2008. The 
> domain space will open in several phases, 
> offering opportunities in turn to government 
> entities, owners of marks currently in use, 
> owners of unused and newer marks, and the 
> general public. Registration in the .asia 
> domain is a useful way to assert an association 
> with the region that extends beyond national 
> borders. 
> <http://www.minterellison.com/public/connect/Internet/Home/Legal%2BInsights/News%2BAlerts/NA-Registration%2Bof%2Basia%2Bdomain%2Bnames%2Bopening%2Bsoon%20>http://www.minterellison.com/public/connect/Internet/Home/Legal+Insights/News+Alerts/NA-Registration+of+asia+domain+names+opening+soon
>Diary dates
>November, Sydney. Cinema India explores the 
>phenomenon of Bollywood, primarily through film 
>advertising materials - posters, hoardings, 
>lobby cards and song books - from the 1930s to 
>the present day. Alongside will be some dazzling 
>Bollywood costumes as well as original film 
>trailers and song and dance sequences featuring 
>the most celebrated stars of Indian cinema. 
>Wednesday 6 June - Sunday 11 November 2007 The 
>Powerhouse Museum, 500 Harris Street, Ultimo, 
>October - 16 March, Melbourne. Krishna is one of 
>the most popular of the Hindu gods worshipped 
>throughout Asia and in particular India. The 
>exhibition will explore Krishna iconography, 
>through approximately 70 works including 
>paintings, sculpture, textiles, photography, and 
>jewellery. Asian Tempore Exhibition Space, Level 
>1, National Gallery Victoria International, 180 
>St Kilda Road 
>11TH JAPAN FILM FESTIVAL, 29-31 October, 
>Melbourne. This festival includes films about 
>present-day Japan, the early Taisho period and Kyoto in the 1960s.
>This event is presented by the Japan Foundation 
>in corporation with the Consulate-General of 
>Japan Melbourne. 6.30pm start at ACMI Cinemas, 
>Federation Square. Free. Tickets must be booked 
>in person at ACMI Box Office 
>DIALOGUE, 30 October, Canberra. 2007 marks the 
>50th Anniversary Year of Malaysia’s 
>Independence. To further our understanding of 
>Malaysia and the ties between the two nations, 
>the Malaysian High Commissioner, HE Dato’ Haji 
>Salim Hashim, will be providing a ‘snapshot’ 
>of Malaysia, after which the floor will be 
>opened to questions from the audience. 
>Australian Institute of International Affairs 
>Conference Centre, Level 1, Stephen House, 32 
>Thesiger Court, Deakin. Please RSVP by 26 
>October to assist with catering arrangements. 
>Email <mailto:act.branch at aiia.asn.au>act.branch at aiia.asn.au or call 6232 4978.
>February, Perth. This is an exhibition of 
>women's clothing by the renowned Japanese 
>couturier Yohji Yamamoto, whose garments have 
>been a significant influence on contemporary 
>haute couture and prêt à porter clothes since 
>his Paris debut in 1982. Art Gallery of Western 
>Australia, Perth Cultural Centre, Perth. 
>Melbourne; 15 November, Sydney. The 2008 
>Asialink Leaders Program is now open for 
>application. This program gives emerging leaders 
>across all sectors the skills to succeed across 
>cultures and borders. Information sessions will 
>be held in both Melbourne and Sydney. For more 
>information see 
>or contact Yue Li at 03 8344 3574 or email to 
><mailto:leadership at asialink.unimelb.edu.au>leadership at asialink.unimelb.edu.au
>IN ASIA-PACIFIC, 9 November, Melbourne. The 
>conference will bring together eminent 
>academics, researchers and practitioners from 
>the region to focus on the complex issue of 
>civil and military relationships in the 
>contemporary era. It is targeted towards 
>postgraduate students and early-career 
>researchers. For more information contact Dr 
>Tony Donaldson at 
><mailto:tony.donaldson at adm.monash.edu.au.%20>tony.donaldson at adm.monash.edu.au.
>conference, Georgetown (Penang) Malaysia, 19-22 
>November, 2007. The region is seemingly now more 
>integrated, with unprecedented levels of 
>tourism, migration, and economic and cultural 
>linkages. But, are the nations of the region and 
>their populations, more divided, united or are 
>they fundamentally unchanged over the past two 
>decades? These are questions to be raised in a 
>conference co-sponsored by the Universiti Sains 
>Malaysia (USM) and University of Wollongong. 
>CONFERENCE, Otago, 22-25 November 2007. This 
>will be an open, multidisciplinary conference. 
>Full conference details can be found at 
>2007, Wollongong. This symposium sponsored by 
>the Japan Foundation, the Centre for Asia 
>Pacific Social Transformation Studies 
>(CAPSTRANS) at the University of Wollongong and 
>Monash University aims to bring together 
>journalists, public commentators and scholars 
>investigating Australian involvement in foreign 
>military occupations. Contact Dr Christine de 
><mailto:Matos%20cdm at uow.edu.au%20>Matos cdm at uow.edu.au
>ASIA PACIFIC WEEK 2008: Building Australia’s 
>Asia Pacific Expertise, 29 January - 1 February 
>2008, Canberra. During one week of activities 
>graduate students from Australia and the region 
>will have a chance to present their research 
>interests, meet with other students and 
>academics, participate in a wide range of 
>training activities, be introduced to the rich 
>holdings on Asia and the Pacific at the ANU 
>Library and at the National Library and 
>participate in a stimulating program of events 
>including cross-area workshops, keynote 
>speeches, seminars and master classes, film 
>screenings, cultural performances and social 
>events. See 
>24-25 March 2008, Singapore. This conference 
>will investigate how Asian actors in the Cold 
>War adhered to certain Cold War doctrines or 
>ideologies and how their cultural perceptions 
>predisposed them towards certain policies or to 
>the political engagement between states and 
>social forces on the cultural front. Venue: Asia 
>Research Institute, National University of 
>Those interested in participating should submit 
>a 300-word abstract and 100-word 
>autobiographical note by 31 October 2007 to Ms 
>Valerie Yeo at <mailto:ariyeov at nus.edu.sg>ariyeov at nus.edu.sg
>April 2008, Stanford University. Call for 
>Papers. Han is a colossal category of identity 
>that encompasses ninety-four percent of the 
>population of mainland China, making it the 
>largest ethnic group on earth. Participants in 
>the first-ever Critical Han Studies Symposium & 
>Workshop will help develop materials to be 
>published in two path-breaking volumes: Critical 
>Han Studies, an edited volume, and the Critical 
>Han Studies Reader, a collection of primary 
>source materials in translation. The deadline 
>for paper and panel proposals is 3 December 
>2007. For more information contact Professor 
>Thomas S. Mullaney at 
><mailto:tsmullaney at stanford.edu>tsmullaney at stanford.edu 
>or James Leibold at Latrobe University: 
>IS THIS THE ASIAN CENTURY? 17th Asian Studies 
>Association of Australia Conference, 1-3 July 
>2008, Melbourne. The biennial Asian Studies 
>Association of Australia conference is the 
>largest gathering of expertise on Asia in the 
>southern hemisphere. The theme for 2008 invites 
>you to assess how the regions and issues on 
>which you are interested are faring. The ASAA 
>conference is multi-disciplinary and covers 
>Central, South, South-East and North East Asia 
>and the relationship of all of these with the 
>rest of the world. See 
>Conference, 29 September-1 October 2008, 
>Brisbane. The University of Queensland is 
>hosting the ninth Women in Asia (WIA) 
>Conference, to be held from 29 September-1 
>October, 2008. Call for Papers: Contributions 
>are invited from various disciplines on a large 
>number of themes concerning the lives of women 
>in Asia. Participants are encouraged to submit 
>proposals for panels (with 3-4 papers per 
>panel). Individual proposals are also welcome. 
>Enquiries can be addressed to <mailo:wia at uq.edu.au>wia at uq.edu.au
>You are welcome to advertise Asia-related events 
>in this space. Send details to: 
><mailto:fbeddie at infinite.net.au>fbeddie at infinite.net.au
>What would be useful for you? Human interest 
>stories, profiles of successful graduates of 
>Asian studies, more news about what's on, 
>moderated discussions on topical issues? Send 
>your ideas to <mailto:fbeddie at ozemail.com.au>fbeddie at ozemail.com.au.
>About the ASAA
>The Asian Studies Association of Australia 
>(ASAA) promotes the study of Asian languages, 
>societies, cultures, and politics in Australia, 
>supports teaching and research in Asian studies 
>and works towards an understanding of Asia in 
>the community at large. It publishes the Asian 
>Studies Review journal and holds a biennial 
>conference. ASAA and the Centre for Language 
>Studies at National University of Singapore also 
>co-publish an annual supplementary issue of the 
>Centre's fully peer-reviewed electronic Foreign 
>Language Teaching Journal (e-FLT). See 
>The ASAA believes there is an urgent need to 
>develop a strategy to preserve, renew and extend 
>Australian expertise about Asia. It has called 
>on the government to show national leadership in 
>the promotion of Australia’s Asia knowledge 
>and skills. See Maximizing Australia's Asia 
>Knowledge Repositioning and Renewal of a 
>National Asset 
>Asian Currents is published by the Asian Studies 
>Association of Australia (ASAA) 
>thanks to a grant from the International Centre 
>of Excellence for Asia Pacific Studies (ICEAPS) 
>It is edited by Francesca Beddie. The editorial 
>board consists of Robert Cribb, ASAA President; 
>Michele Ford, ASAA Secretary; Mina Roces, ASAA 
>Publications officer; Lenore Lyons, ASAA Council 
>member; and Ann Kumar, Director, ICEAPS.
>Return to 
><http://iceaps.anu.edu.au/asian-currents.html>Asian Currents home page
>(formerly at coombs.anu.edu.au, now at 
>Asian-Currents mailing list
>Asian-Currents at anu.edu.au

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Jenny Drysdale
Researcher, Fenner School of Environment and Society
Moderator, Timor-Leste Studies Association List
Mobile 0407 230 772
Business Hours Internal x 51651 External 02 6125 1651
Email Jennifer.Drysdale at anu.edu.au
Personal Website http://cres.anu.edu.au/~jenster
East Timor Studies www.etstudies-aust.org  
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