[TimorLesteStudies] Reposting: Seminar: Political Crisis in Timor Leste: Causes and Consequences

Bu Wilson Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au
Fri Feb 15 08:47:39 EST 2008

Apologies for spelling errors  of presenters' names in previous


State, Society and Governance in Melanesia

and the

Timor-Leste Studies Association


Susana Barnes

Adérito Soares

Hugh White
Bu Wilson (Chair)

Political Crisis in Timor Leste

Causes & Consequences

Date:  Thursday 21 February 2008, 11.00pm – 1.00 pm
Venue: Coombs Lecture Theatre, Coombs Building, ANU

Susana Barnes is a Field Researcher working on the ARC Project 'Waiting for
Law: Land, Custom and Legal Regulation in East Timor.' She has a background
in History, Spanish and Anthropology of Development.

Previously Susana has worked as an Adviser to the Reception, Truth and
Reconciliation Commission (CAVR) in East Timor and for Jesuit Refugee
Service in East Timor and Rome

Adérito Soares is a PhD scholar in the Centre for International Governance
and Justice, RegNET. He holds a bachelor of law degree from Satya Wacana
University in Indonesia and a Master of Law from New York University.

Prior to the 1999 referendum, Adérito worked for human rights NGOs in
Indonesia.  He returned to Timor- Leste in 1999, actively campaigning for
independence and worked for several NGOs in Timor-Leste.  In 2001 he was
elected to East Timor’s Constituent Assembly and was instrumental in
drafting East Timor’s first constitution. From 2003 to 2007 he worked for
various national and international NGOs in Timor; as a consultant to the UN;
and a law lecturer at Timor’s university. He has published extensively on
Timor-Leste and Indonesia and is regularly interviewed as a commentator on
Timor-Leste by international media.

Hugh White is the Professor of Strategic Studies and the Head of the
Strategic and Defence Studies Centre at The Australian National University.

Before taking up that position he was the first Director of the Australian
Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), an independent non-partisan centre
established by the Australian Government to provide fresh ideas about
Australia's strategic and defence policy choices.


Seminar Coordinator: Jon Fraenkel, SSGM, Tel: +61 2 6125 3300:  Fax: +61 2
6125 5525

Inquiries: Jean Hardy, Administration Officer, SSGM, Tel: +61 2 6125 1527:
Fax: +61 2 6125 5525 Email: ssgm at anu.edu.au

Bu Wilson
Regulatory  Institutions Network (RegNet)
College of Asia and the Pacific, RSPAS
Australian National University
Canberra   ACT   0200

T: 02 6125 3194
F: 02 6125 1507
M: 0407 087 086
E: Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au


ANU Cricos Provider Code - 00120C

Bu Wilson
Regulatory  Institutions Network (RegNet)
College of Asia and the Pacific, RSPAS
Australian National University
Canberra   ACT   0200

T: 02 6125 3194
F: 02 6125 1507
M: 0407 087 086
E: Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au


ANU Cricos Provider Code - 00120C

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