[TimorLesteStudies] Asain Society of International Law: AsianSIL Young Scholars Workshop Call for papers

Bu Wilson Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au
Mon Feb 25 13:07:26 EST 2008

 Call for Papers - AsianSIL Young Scholars Workshop

Asian Society of International Law

AsianSIL Young Scholars Workshop

Call for Papers

Please circulate this call for papers widely.

The National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Asian Society of
International Law (AsianSIL) are pleased to invite applications to attend
the inaugural Asian Society of International Law Young Scholars Workshop.
The workshop will be held at NUS in Singapore from 10-12 September 2008.
Paper-givers who are selected through a competitive process will have their
reasonable expenses covered.

The workshop builds on the historic creation of AsianSIL in 2007 and is
intended to cultivate the next generation of international legal scholars.
This may include doctoral students and younger academics, as well as
exceptional masters students. Young legal professionals with an interest in
scholarship are also encouraged to apply.

The intention is for presenters to offer drafts of works in progress that
can benefit from constructive criticism in a supportive and collegial
environment. Each participant will present his or her own paper and comment
on that of another.

Proposals from young scholars and professionals across the region are
encouraged on any topic linked to international law, but particularly
focusing on the "problems and prospects of a just world ordered under law".
Subject areas might include (a) History and Theory of International Law, (b)
Law of Armed Conflict (IHL), (c) International Organizations, (d) Dispute
Settlement, (e) Law of the Sea, (f) Law of Environment, (g) Human Rights,
(h) International Criminal Law, (i) Law of Development, (j) International
Economic Law, (k) Private International Law (Conflict of Laws).

Proposals should be submitted on the Abstract Submission Form which is
attached with this announcement.

Please ensure that you include an abstract of not more than 250 words,
indicating the relationship of the proposed paper to the conference theme of
"problems and prospects" and identifying one or more of the subject areas
listed above to which the paper relates.

Completed forms must be emailed to asiansil-admin at nus.edu.sg by 31 March
2008. Those selected to participate in the workshop will be notified by 14
April 2008. Participation will be contingent on producing a draft of the
paper (in the order of 8,000 words) by 31 July 2008.

 Asian Society of International Law
Young Scholars Workshop: Problems and Prospects for International Law
Wednesday-Friday, 10-12 September 2008, Singapore


PERSONAL PARTICULARS (Please print in Block Letters)
Prof / Assoc Prof / Asst Prof / Dr / Mr / Mrs / Ms *
*Delete where appropriate and underline Surname / Family Name   Designation
/ Academic Post:
Name of Institution / Organisation:
Address of Institution / Organisation:
E-Mail Address:         Telephone No: (         )       Fax No: (         )

ABSTRACT (not more than 250 words) :

BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION (not more than 150 words) :

1.      The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 March 2008.  Please
submit abstracts via email to asiansil-admin at nus.edu.sg

2.      You can expect to be notified via email once your abstract has been
received for consideration by 14 April 2008. If your abstract is accepted,
you will be informed by email. Please maintain a functional email address at
all times.

3.      Upon acceptance of abstracts, full papers must be submitted by 31
July 2008. Failure to submit a paper will preclude participation.

Bu Wilson
Regulatory  Institutions Network (RegNet)
College of Asia and the Pacific, RSPAS
Australian National University
Canberra   ACT   0200

T: 02 6125 3194
F: 02 6125 1507
M: 0407 087 086
E: Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au


ANU Cricos Provider Code - 00120C

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