[TimorLesteStudies] La'o Hamutuk Press Conf. on Petroleum Law 13 June

Bu Wilson Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au
Thu Jun 12 15:16:18 EST 2008

La’o Hamutuk
Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis/Institutu ba
Analiza no Monitor ba Desenvolvimentu iha Timor-Leste 
I/1a Rua Mozambique, Farol, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3325013 or +670-7234330    email: info at laohamutuk.org
<file:///mailto:info@laohamutuk.org>      Website: www.laohamutuk.or
<file:///http://www.laohamutuk.org/> g 

Tetum kraik.

Press Conference on La’o Hamutuk analysis of pending petroleum law

The RDTL government is establishing a National Petroleum Authority (NPA),
which will replace the TSDA and regulate all petroleum exploration,
production, processing and sales activities in Timor-Leste and the Joint
development Area.. After La’o Hamutuk wrote to the Secretary State of
Natural Resources last month protesting the secrecy of this process, he
opened a very brief public consultation on this draft decree-law, which they
plan to enact 
before the end of June. 

La’o Hamutuk has analyzed the law and found many omissions and mistakes that
fail to protect the public interest, including concentration of power, vague
mandate, lack of transparency and accountability other dangers of corruption
and ineffective monitoring of petroleum operations. In our submission to the
Secretary State, La’o Hamutuk recommended this should be a law enacted by
Parliamentary in open debate, not a Decree-Law passed secretly by the
Council of Ministers. We also urged more time to develop an effective and
safe NPA law by extending the public consultation. It will be impossible for
the NPA to effectively regulate by 1 July, the date given in the law, since
it currently has no personnel, officials, budget and regulations. 

La’o Hamutuk’s analysis, as well as the text of the draft decree-law, is on
the web at 

Petroleum is critical to the future of Timor-Leste, but the oil industry can
be a curse if not managed properly. Because the NPA’s responsibilities are
key to making our resources a blessing, La’o Hamutuk would like to invite
you to attend our press conference on:

Date:             Friday, 13 June 2008
Place:         Aula-HAK Association, Farol, Dili, Timor-Leste
Time:            9.30 am OTL
If you need any information of clarification, please contact
info at laohamutuk.org or 7318653 (Viriato Seac) or 7340965 (Charles Scheiner).
Thank you for your attention and we hope to see you at the press conference.


Konferensia Imprensa kona ba lei harii Autoridade Petróleu Nasionál (NPA)

Guverno agora planea ona iha nia Planu Asaun 2008 atu harii Autoridade
Petróleu Nasionál (NPA), ne’ebé sei sai hanesan ajénsia regulador ida ho
autoridade eksklusivu iha seitor Petroleu. Maibe, too fulan Maiu-klaran ona
sedauk iha esbosu ruma, la iha konsultasaun públiku ka indikasaun progresu
ruma ne’ebé publika sai too La’o Hamutuk haruka karta aberta ida ba Sr.
Sekretáriu Estadu Rekursu Naturais Alfredo Pires ezije atu halo konsulta
públiku ba lei NPA ho durasaun loron ualu deit. 

La’o Hamutuk analiza ona lei ne’e no hetan buat importante lubun ida ne’ebé
sei afeita ba salva guarda interese povu nian, ambiente transparensia,
akontabilidade no korupsaun, no haruka ona submisaun ba Sekretariu Estadu ho
ponto importante balun. La’o Hamutuk rekomenda atu lei ne’e tenke sai
hanesan lei parlamentar ida laos dekretu-lei ne’ebé aprova husi Konsellu
Ministru no tenke ekstende tempo ba halo konsultasaun públiku tamba durasaun
ne’ebé fo ona ne’e badak liu no mos lei ne’e sei kria autoridade ida ne’ebé
la iha transparensia, no laiha orsamentu (budget) rasik, laiha staf no
regulasaun tantu sei imposivel ba NPA atu efetivamente hahú nia servisu iha
1 Jullu 2008. 

Haree ba asuntu NPA nia importánsia no papél ba seitor Petroleu iha futuru,
La’o Hamutuk ho laran hakraik-an hakarak konvida ita-boot atu ho laran
kama’an hiit-an mai hola parte iha ami-nia Konferensia Imprensa ne’ebé mak
sei halo ho iha:

Loron:   Sesta-feira, 13 Juñu 2008
Fatin:    Aula-Asosiasaun HAK, Farol, Dili, Timor-Leste
Oras:     9.30 am OTL

Favor bele kontaktu ami, karik ita-boot presiza informasaun ka atu klarifika
buat ruma, liu husi 7318653 (Viriato Seac) no 7340965 (Charles Scheiner), ka
email info at laohamutuk.org. Ba ita-boot nia antensaun ami hatoo obrigado
barak no ami hein katak ita-boot sira sei bele mai atende ami-nia
conferensia da Imprensa ne’e.

Charles Scheiner
La'o Hamutuk (The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste (East Timor)
Telephone:  +670-3325013 or +670-734-0965 mobile
email: cscheiner at igc.org    website: http://www.laohamutuk.org
<http://www.laohamutuk.org/>     skype: cscheiner

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