[TimorLesteStudies] Timor Studies Lunch

Bu Wilson Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au
Fri Mar 28 12:05:58 EST 2008

Dear TLSA subscribers

You are invited to attend the first Timor-Leste Studies Association lunch of
the year on Monday 5 May 2008 at 12.30pm at The Gods Cafe at ANU. This is an
excellent opportunity to meet with other researchers and friends working in
the area. The current Gods'lunch Menu and prices can be viewed at

Please RSVP to me no later than 1st May so I can confirm the booking.

Looking forward to seeing you there.


Bu Wilson
Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet) 
College of Asia and the Pacific,RSPAS
Australian National University 
Canberra   ACT   0200 

T: 02 6125 3194
F: 02 6125 1507
M: 0407 087 086
E: Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au


ANU Cricos Provider Code - 00120C  

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