[TimorLesteStudies] ANU Seminar: Pathways to peace by peace-building by Dennis McDermott (former Deputy Commissioner UNPOL ET)

Bu V.E. Wilson bu.wilson at anu.edu.au
Fri Aug 14 18:18:31 EST 2009

Monday 17 August
* 12.30pm - 1.30pm: seminar by RegNet visitor, Commander (PPF) Denis McDermott APM, former Deputy Commissioner to UNPOL – the UN Police in East Timor, and former Chief Police Officer of the Australian Capital Territory; ‘Pathways to peace by peace-building’; Seminar Room 1.04, ground floor, H.C. Coombs Building Extension (see http://ceps.anu.edu.au/events/index.php#mcdermott (http://ceps.anu.edu.au/events/index.php#mcdermott) for details).
Bu Wilson
Centre for International Governance and Justice
Regulatory Institutions Network
Australian National University
Tel: + 61 407 087 086

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