[TimorLesteStudies] New Lowy Institute Report: Confronting reality: responding to war criminals living in Australia
Bu Wilson
Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au
Thu Feb 12 16:20:31 EST 2009
Confronting reality: responding to war criminals living in Australia
Fergus Hanson
In this Policy Brief, Fergus Hanson looks at the Australian government's
current approach to suspected war criminals living here. It finds Australia
has inadvertently become a safe haven for suspected war criminals and needs
to do more to meet its international obligations to end impunity for the
world's worst criminal offenders. It suggests a number of modest reforms the
Rudd government could implement to meet its election commitment that
suspected war criminals be brought to justice.
Bu Wilson
Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet) Research School of Pacific and
Asian Studies
College of Asia and the Pacific,
Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200
T: 02 6125 3194
F: 02 6125 1507
M: 0407 087 086
E: Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au
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