[TimorLesteStudies] ANU Wed 4 March 2009 Oaktree Foundation East Timor Forum

Bu Wilson Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au
Fri Feb 27 15:08:24 EST 2009


The Oaktree Foundation ACT would like to invite you to a special event


6:30pm to 8:30pm
Wednesday 4 March 2009
Haydon Allen Tank
Australian National University, Canberra
RSVP by Tuesday 3 March 2009

RSVP by sending your name, email and mobile number to
c.stephens at theoaktree.org
For map of ANU: http://campusmap.anu.edu.au/displaymap.asp?grid=ef32

Come listen to the personal stories of two young adults who have experienced
first hand the challenges and opportunities that face the youngest nation in
our region - Timor Leste. In the tenth year since the referendum for Timor's
Independence, this forum provides an opportunity to learn more from our
speakers, and engage in dynamic discussion on the issues, especially the
role of young Australian's in assisting the youth of East Timor to realise
their goals in post-independence Timor.

Special Guest Speakers
 Carmeneza Dos Santos Monteiro speaking on 
'East Timor's youth: the dream for Independence and the road ahead'

Carmeneza Dos Santos Monteiro is a second year student at ANU undertaking a
Bachelor degree in International Relations. She has also completed studies
in International Law and Political Development at Dili University.
Prior to the East Timor referendum in 1999, she worked with the underground
movement against the Indonesian occupation. Her role included facilitating
the flow of communication between the three fronts - clandestine,
army/guerilla and diplomatic- and advocating the door to door campaign for
Carmeneza's professional career began in June 1999 as a translator with the
United Nation Mission in East Timor where she was awarded the Ellie Weasel
Certificate. In 2002 she worked as a Witness Management Assistant with the
Serious Crimes Unit of the United Nations in Timor Leste, which included
facilitating witness and victim participation at the Ad Hoc Tribunal in
Jakarta. From 2002 to 2007, Carmeneza managed a multi million dollar
Australian Development Project in the area of public finance and the public
sector. She was the recipient of an Australian Day Award in 2007.
Carmeneza's community work in Timor Leste has been extensive and she has
been involved in and established several working groups, including the
HARI"I MORIS FOUN or 'Forming a New Life' project which has now been adopted
as a nation wide initiative in Timor Leste.

Steven Stengstock speaking on
'East Timor's youth: not a problem to be solved, but potential to be

Steven Sengstock is a graduate research student in the Southeast Asia Centre
of the ANU Faculty of Asian Studies. He is also presently the Convenor of
the Faculty's Future of East Timor course. 

Ten years ago, as a soldier in the Australian Army, Steven began studying
East Timor's lingua franca, Tetum, and ever since has been passionate about
the country - particularly its languages and history. 

 In 2000, he deployed to East Timor for six months as a United Nations
Peacekeeper. He has since left the armed forces but has continued to pursue
his academic interest in East Timor. This has involved studying Indonesian
and Portuguese language in addition to Tetum, tutoring undergraduate courses
with the ANU Faculty of Asian studies and, since the beginning of 2008,
conducting research on the history of Portugual's colonisation of East

Bu Wilson
Regulatory  Institutions Network (RegNet) Research School of Pacific and
Asian Studies
College of Asia and the Pacific,
Australian National University 
Canberra   ACT   0200 

T: 02 6125 3194
F: 02 6125 1507
M: 0407 087 086
E: Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au


ANU Cricos Provider Code - 00120C  

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