[TimorLesteStudies] Reminder: All members can post articles on Timor-Leste to the list

Jenny Jennifer.Drysdale at anu.edu.au
Tue May 5 10:55:22 EST 2009

Hi all

This is a reminder to say everyone has posting rights on this list. 
By posting your own articles and others you come across, you will 
take the burden off others doing all the work.

You just need to send your email to easttimorstudies at anu.edu.au. You 
do need to send from the email address you have subscribed with or 
your post will be rejected automatically by the system.

There are guidelines for what you can post (see below). Please don't 
send attachments (as the system we use can not handle them). Remember 
also, that the Timor-leste Studies Association has members from all 
over the world so postings for fund raising events are better off 
sent out to your local networks.

We look forward to reading your abstracts.

Jen and Bu


* Information posted is relevant to academic and other researchers 
conducting research in Timor-Leste.
* Research information circulated follows the usual academic 
conventions (such as acknowledging sources, presenting reasoned 
argument and adhering to research ethics). Information that has been 
published (and can therefore be cited) is preferable.
* Responses to postings must include additional relevant information 
or new data. Personal opinion, comments and discussion should be limited.
* Attachments should not be sent to the List (links to documents 
posted on the web can be posted).
* The language of the list is English. However posts that are 
simultaneously translated into a language common to East Timorese are 
* Only members may post to the Timor-Leste Studies Association List.

Members should note the Timor-Leste Studies Association's List is not 
a discussion list. The <http://www.etan.org>East Timor Action Network 
and <http://www.lafaek.com>Lafaek provide a forum for discussion.

Please consider the environment before printing this email
Dr Jennifer Drysdale
Pacific Economic Post-Doctoral Fellow, Crawford School of Economics 
and Government
Moderator, Timor-Leste Studies Association List www.tlstudies.org
Mobile 0407 230 772
Email Jennifer.Drysdale at anu.edu.au
Personal Website www.jenniferdrysdale.com

Post-doctoral research:
Institutional adaptation to volatile oil prices
This research will examine the way Vanuatu has responded to changes 
in world energy prices through policy and institutional means.
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