[TimorLesteStudies] Discussion on Land Issue in Timor-Leste with Ms. Shona Hawks (Lao Hamutuk)

Hiroko Inoue Hiroko.Inoue at anu.edu.au
Wed Oct 7 15:33:21 EST 2009

Dear All

Ms. Shona Hawks from Lao Hamutuk is visiting Canberra this week. Ms. 
Hawks has worked for Lao Hamutuk as a researcher since 2007. She focuses 
on the social and political aspects of land rights.
We would like to invite you all to a gathering to talk about land rights 
in Timor-Leste with her.

Time:       1:00pm - 2:30pm,  Friday, 9th October
Venue:     Meeting Room in RegNet
               Rm 3.17 in Coombs Extension Building (Bld. 8), ANU


I am sorry for this short notice. We hope to see you all there!
If you have any problem to find the place, please let me know.


Hiroko Inoue
PhD Student
Centre for International Governance and Justice
RegNet, Collage of Asia and the Pacific
Autstralian National University
Office Phone: 02-6125-1504 (ex. 51504)

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