[TimorLesteStudies] Meanjin Article: Remembering Balibo by Sian Prior and An interview with Robert Connelly by Sophie Cunningham
Jen Drysdale
Jennifer.Drysdale at anu.edu.au
Thu Sep 3 21:50:30 EST 2009
Volume 68 Number 3, 2009
I kept a diary in 1975, through my first year of
high school. I retain a particular fondness for
my entry of 11 November: Today the Prime
Minister of Australia was sacked. Mum and Dad say
its the end of democracy as we know it. Janice
and I smoked a menthol cigarette. At the time,
of course, I was unaware of the Whitlam
governments culpable actions regarding
Indonesias imminent invasion of East Timor,
which took place a few weeks after Whitlams
sacking. His government had, however, already
been made aware of the death of five
Australian-based journalists in East Timor, and
accepted the Suharto \governments version of the
stories that the Balibo Five were (variously)
blown up in a house or caught in crossfire during
battle. That culpability was passed, like a
baton, from Whitlam to Fraser, to Hawke, to
Keating and then to John Howard. It was Howard
who finally supported East Timors Declaration of
Independence on 20 May 1999, though his
governments refusal to put Australian troops on
the ground for the referendum of 20 August
allowed the Indonesiansin violent and graceless
defeatto kill around 1400 (more) Timorese,
forcibly move 300,000 East Timorese into West
Timor, and destroy around 90 per cent of East
Timors buildings and infrastructure, thus
condemning it to several more generations of
struggle. Australian troops finally went into East Timor in September 1999.
It is a strange feeling when ones childhood
makes the shift from recent past to history.
Things blur and it becomes harder to separate
personal memory from media memory. Perhaps thats
why Generation Jones kids (Im one, apparently)
are described as having a certain unrequited,
jonesing quality. It seems were that large
anonymous generation
Jonesers were given huge
expectations as children in the 1960s, and then
confronted with a different reality as they came
of age in the 1970s. But I digress. At the time
of the initial invasion I was allowed to watch
only an hour of television a daybut news and
current affairs shows were not included in that
quota so I watched a lot of those. I cant
remember if Im so familiar with the footage of
Greg Shackletons reports from East Timor because
I saw them at the time, or later, in the wake of
media coverage of his disappearancealong with
that of four colleagueson 16 October 1975.
Nonetheless my familiarity with the look and feel
of that kind of footage made my response to
Robert Connollys film Balibo particularly
visceral and I was surprised by the extent to
which the story of the Balibo Five felt deeply
personal. I also felt a deep shame. As Connolly
said in my interview with him (p. 150), theres
every reason for that shame to be part of our own national story.
Shame is a word that was much used when I was
growing up, and Shame Fraser, shame was often
chanted at demonstrations in the seventies. But
shame strikes me as an emotion, like guilt, that
is difficult to convert into any kind of
meaningful outcome. Its an emotion that I felt
most recently when watching the extraordinary
Four Corners report on 8 June of the death of an
Aboriginal elder who died after being transported
hundreds of kilometres and for four hours in a
metal van in temperatures in the mid-forties. He
suffered third-degree burns sitting on the metal
floor of the van. The fact that people employed
by a government agency can still perpetrate
violence this gross against our indigenous
population beggars belief. It would seem our
current Prime Ministers moving and public shame
back on 12 February 2008We apologise for the
laws and policies of successive Parliaments and
governments that have inflicted profound grief,
suffering and loss on these our fellow Australianshas not made a difference.
One of the things that is extraordinary about the
story of both the Balibo Five and Roger East (the
journalist who was assassinated on the docks of
Dili soon after uncovering the details of their
death) is that the shame their story provoked,
the ramifications of those murders, contributed
to East Timors eventual independence. The tenth
anniversary of Independence was celebrated on 30
August 2009. It is in solidarity with that
anniversary that Meanjin is publishing the
interview with Robert Connolly and an essay on
the deaths at Balibo by Sian Prior that reminds
us just how important memory, and remembering, is.
Table of contents - this issue of Meanjin
Editorial by Sophie Cunningham
* With Jessica Au,
<http://www.riverroadpress.net>Carol Jenkins,
Mike Pottenger, Tim Richards, Pepi Ronalds and Sam Twyford-Moore
Meanjin In Colour
* Notes on Provenance. Or, Tom Ross's Tooth
by <http://girlprinter.blogspot.com/>Carolyn Fraser
* A Nice Sound: On Designing Nick Cave Stories by Mary Callahan
* CAL/Meanjin Essay: Myth, abjection,
otherness: Contemporary Australian Art by Justin Clemens
* The Curious Significance of triple j by Ben Eltham
* Remembering Balibo by <http://sianprior.com/>Sian Prior
* Footy: The Season of Love, Faith and Agony by Matthew Klugman
* The Tattoo by <http://elmokeep.com/>Elmo Keep
* Nick Cave, Man or Myth? by <http://www.markmordue.com/>Mark Mordue
* Have relationships like rock stars: a Twitter exposé by Meera Atkinson
* Class Act: Googie Withers and John McCallum by Brian McFarlane
* Local Lunar Landings by Michael Winkler
* Grief and Desire by Maggie MacKellar
* Their hooks find hold deep in our flesh:
Part Six by Kate Fielding, Mandy Ord and <http://benfox.com.au/>Ben Fox
* Immersing the Audience: Sophie Cunningham talks to Robert Connelly
* How to Cook a Family by Susan Johnson
* Loud Bones by Ruby Murray
* Suburban Mystery by Pierz Newton-John
* Intelligence quotient by Georgia Blain
* Provisional Desire by Tim Richards
* Stripped: Part Six by <http://carolinelee.com.au/>Caroline Lee
* Heat Wave, Melbourne Hottest day on
Record since 1855 by Michelle Leber
* Religious Experience by Caroline Caddy
* Unborn by Maria Takolander
* Standing among the philosophy class there
will be shadows, murmuring by Dan Disney
* Precious Few by Stephen Edgar
* Graphology 808: Beetopic or Beetopia? by John Kinsella
* Talking To Anger by Roberta Lowing
* Breath Poem by Shane McCauley
* Lure by Jillian Pattinson
* Vocalise in the Heated World by Peter Rose
* Mere Cogs by Rod Usher
* The Mouth of Babe by Rod Usher
* Spranto Lost by Chris Wallace-Crabbe
* On becoming a Buddhist by Maria Zajkowski
* Tank Water by Marita Hastings
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Dr Jennifer Drysdale
Moderator, Timor-Leste Studies Association List www.tlstudies.org
Mobile 0407 230 772
Skype jen.drysdale
Personal Website www.jenniferdrysdale.com
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