[TimorLesteStudies] Searching for contact details or Timor films of Thomas Nehrmann

Anya Dettman adettman at nla.gov.au
Tue Apr 6 13:29:05 EST 2010

Dear colleagues,
I recently had an enquiry about a documentary entitled "The heart of the Crocodile: an insight into the culture, religion and languages of Timor Leste" filmed and produced by Thomas Nehrmann, Aussie M.A.T.E. productions, Ivanhoe, VIC, in 2007. I have been searching for current contact details for either the company or Mr. Nehrmann (who I believe may now be in Timor-Leste) as I would like to see about ordering a copy for the East Timor Collection here at the National Library of Australia. If anyone knows who I can contact about this, or if copies are available from other sources, please let me know at the below address.
Many thanks,

Anya Dettman
Southeast Asia Specialist,
Overseas Collection Development | National Library of Australia
Email: adettman at nla.gov.au | Tel: (+ 61 2) 6262-1248 | Fax: (61 2) 6273-4322

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