[TimorLesteStudies] Call for Papers: Program on States and Security

Bu Wilson bu.wilson at anu.edu.au
Tue Feb 2 12:21:50 EST 2010

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Call for Papers
  Program on States and Security
  Filling in the Knowledge Gaps on Peacebuilding 
  and Post Conflict Statebuilding
  Supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, CUNY’s Program on States and Security is currently seeking to commission papers from scholars, practitioners, and/or policy makers from countries that are undergoing a process of peacebuilding and/or post-conflict statebuilding. The goal is twofold: to fill in the knowledge gaps on the understanding of peacebuilding and post-conflict statebuilding; and to bring new voices into the Carnegie-supported network of practitioners, policy researchers and young scholars. The papers will be published on the Program’s website to allow for an open exchange of information relating to peacebuilding and post-conflict issues. The website will be redesigned in the coming weeks, and will include a discussion board.
  The contributions may revolve around any of the following topics:
  1. The political economy of peacebuilding and/or post-conflict statebuilding. Contributions on this topic may focus on different issues, including: the impact of natural and economic resources; issues of power and inequality; the role of private and business actors; foreign corporate companies; foreign aid; etc. 
  2. Filling in the Knowledge gaps. Contributions on this topic may focus on issues neglected by international organizations and/or Western countries working on peacebuilding and post-conflict statebuilding. We also welcome proposals that deal with topics that have been neglected by the existing academic and policy debates on peacebuilding and post-conflict statebuilding.
  3. Contributions on additional topics will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. We especially welcome proposals on topics that lack a local perspective. 
  Additional Information
  There will be approximately 20 contributions from researchers and/or practitioners working and living in conflict and post-conflict environments. The papers will be no more than 12,000 words and will include an executive summary that will be posted in the discussion board of our website in order to trigger discussion within our network. Contributors will receive a stipend of $5,000 USD and will need to meet the highest quality and research standards.
  Please submit a C.V., an abstract of around 600 words, and a writing sample (if available) to ssebastian at gc.cuny.edu before the 26th of February 2010. Abstracts should provide a short overview of the topic proposed (including the country or region of research), and briefly describe their contribution to any of the topics listed above. Authors will be notified on acceptance of their proposal by the 1st of April 2010. Full papers will be submitted by the 1st of September 2010. 

Bu V.E. Wilson
Centre for International Governance and Justice
Regulatory Institutions Network
Australian National University
+61 407 087 086

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