[TimorLesteStudies] Chamberlain study of 1959 Timor uprising now online

John Waddingham chart at timorarchives.info
Mon Feb 15 12:54:56 EST 2010

Researcher Ernie Chamberlain's monograph "Rebellion, Defeat and
Exile:The 1959 Uprising in East Timor" is now available online at:


Author's notes on Scribd:

Relates in detail the 1959 "Viqueque" Rebellion in Portuguese Timor -
including the background and aftermath.

Sources include interviews with the few remaining participants in the
Rebellion - and Indonesian, Portuguese and English-language material.

An annex (E) provides detailed profiles of those rebels exiled to Angola.

Comprehensive bibliography and index are included. To reduce file
size, some maps, photographs and annexes have not been included.

John Waddingham
Clearing House for Archival Records on Timor


Phone: (08) 9443 1515
Mobile: 0421 179 533

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