[TimorLesteStudies] FW: Short term consultancy in Same

Patricia Woodcroft-Lee cpwl at bigpond.net.au
Thu Jan 28 21:30:57 EST 2010

Dear All, 

Re the notice of the short term consultancy I sent around last night, the
date for applications to be submitted is, of course, the 14th not the 4th of
February. I have also changed it on the document.

My sincere apologies


Patricia Woodcroft-Lee



Dear Friends,


Attached is an advertisement for a person to undertake a short term
(approximately one month) consultancy with a local Timorese NGO which is
developing a training program, in conjunction with the Royal Australian
College of Surgeons (RACS) as part of the Avoidable Blindness Initiative
(ABI), funded by AusAid. We would be most grateful if you could put this
advertisement on your email lists as we need to reach as many people as
possible who may have the knowledge, experience and interest to apply for
this position. 


If you require any further information about the ABI or the organisations
involved, please do not hesitate to contact us. We thank you in advance for
extending us your cooperation.


Patricia Woodcroft-Lee      Tel: (03) 9481 4232, email: cpwl at bigpond.net.au

Bruce Butler                     Tel: (03) 98859469, email:
Butlerbr at iprimus.com.au



Fuan Nabilan Sub-committee

Friends of Same 

City of Boroondaraq Vic


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