[TimorLesteStudies] 'Understanding Community: Security and Sustainability in Four Aldeia in Timor-Leste', an RMIT University Report.

Bu Wilson bu.wilson at anu.edu.au
Sat May 15 06:10:37 EST 2010

'Understanding Community:  Security and Sustainability in Four Aldeia in
Timor-Leste', an RMIT  University Report.

Please see this link for a download of the  full version of RMIT
University's 'Understanding Community' report, a  four site study of
communities in Venilale, Fatumean, Dom Alexio and  Luro. This report was
distributed last year in Timor-Leste and to  partners, and we are
currently undertaking a second distribution of  Tetun and English copies
to libraries and education facilities in  Timor-Leste. While the report
aims to develop an argument of what  community means at the local level
in Timor-Leste, it also has a lot  of information that will be of
interest to those who work in the  fields of development, health, water,
security, linguistics and  peace-building. 

The English can be downloaded from

The  Tetun copy can be downloaded from

Full  details of the project, including the reports, covers and so forth,
is  available at 

For the Tetun version, we have also constructed a dictionary  for Tetun
words that are not commonly used or known to assist in the  reading. This
will be distributed with the report in Timor-Leste and  we will add a
link to it online somewhere soon. 

Please be  aware that the report file is relatively large at
approximately 3.7  mbs, the smallest we could make it considering all of
the colour  graphics involved. Producing the reports is very costly so we
have  directed the majority of what we could do towards printing and
distributing  the Tetun copies given the low rate of internet access in

For  further details please contact damian.grenfell at rmit.edu.au 


'Komprende  Komunidade: Seguransa no Sustentabilidade iha Aldeia haat iha
Timor-Leste',  Relatoriu husi RMIT University

Favor hare ba link iha kraik hodi  download Universidade RMIT nia
relatoriu ‘Komprende Komunidade’,  peskiza ida kona-ba komunidade iha
fatin ha’at inklui Venilale,  Fatumean, Dom Alexio no Luro. Tinan kotuk
ami fahe relatoriu ida-ne’e  iha Timor-Leste no ba parseiru sira, no
agora ami fahe hela  relatoriu Tetun no Ingles ba biblioteca no centru
edukasaun iha  Timor-Leste. Iha parte ida relatoriu ne’e koko komprende
arti  ‘komunidade’ iha nivel lokal iha Timor-Leste, no iha parte seluk
relatoriu  inklui mos informasaun relevante ba ema ne’ebe servisu iha
area  dezenvolvimento, saude, bee, seguranca no harii paz.

Relatoriu  Ingles bele download hosi

Relatoriu  Tetun bele download hosi

Bele  mos hetan informasaun kompleto kona-ba projetu peskiza ida-ne’e,
inklui  mos relatoriu Komprende Komunidade, hosi  

Relatoriu Tetun inklui disionariu ho liafuan Tetun ne’ebe ema  ladun uza
loron-loron hodi azuda bainhira lee relatoriu. Disionariu  ida-ne’e ami
hatama ba relatoriu laran bainhira fahe iha Timor-Leste  no ami atu
aumenta mos link iha website.

Relatoriu nia file  bo’ot, maizumenus 3.7mbs, tanba iha fotografika barak
iha laran.  Tanba halo relatoriu karun los ami halo barak liu ho lian
Tetun hodi  fahe iha Timor-Leste tanba susar atu hetan asesu ba internet
iha  Timor.

Hodi buka tan informasaun, favor kontaktu  damian.grenfell at rmit.edu.au 


Mayra  Walsh
PhD Candidate
Global Cities Institute
Human Security  Program
RMIT University City Campus
Bld 15 Level 5
Ph: 9925  9912
Email: mayra.walsh at student.rmit.edu.au

Bu V.E. Wilson
Regulatory Institutions Network  RegNet  | The Australian National University | Canberra ACT 0200 | AUSTRALIA | Mob: +61  0 407 087 086

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