[TimorLesteStudies] [BD Timor] Update: Australian PM's proposal for Asylum-seeker Processing in Timor-Leste

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Thu Sep 23 11:08:22 EST 2010

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BACK DOOR Newsletter on Timor-Leste:

Australian PM's proposal for Asylum-seeker Processing in Timor-Leste:

21 September 2010

A collection of articles and news items about Australian
Prime Minister Julia Gillard's proposal to establish a
processing centre in East Timor for people seeking asylum
in Australia.

Please find below the latest twelve articles from the website.
To read the full article click on the relevant link.
Articles are in reverse chronological order.
To view more of the 230 or so articles on this topic
follow this link:

20 Sep 2010: ABC Radio Australia:
Timor to discuss asylum centre in New York
RA: http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/connectasia/stories/201009/s3016312.htm
"East Timor's Foreign minister says a regional asylum
seeker processing centre is not a simple bilateral matter,
and he plans to discuss it with his Australian and
Indonesian counterparts in New York later this week.
Zacarias da Costa says he's not yet received a formal
proposal from Australia on the idea of setting up a centre
in East Timor. Mr da Costa, who flew to the United States
last night has told Radio Australia he expects the issue to
be raised by his Australian counterpart, Kevin Rudd. ... "
[Includes interview with Zacarias da Costa, East Timor's Foreign minister]

20 Sep 2010: east-timor: Timor-Leste News September 20, 2010
Refugee detention center should be discussed at trilateral level: Gusmao
Suara Timor Loro Sa'e, September 19, 2010 language source: Tetun
east-timor: [scroll down page]

20 Sep 2010: Australian: PNG pleads to be site for processing
"THE Gillard government says it will continue its push for
a regional asylum-seeker processing centre in East Timor.
This is despite a plea from the governor of PNG's Manus
Island for it to be established there." Lauren Wilson

20 Sep 2010: ABC: PNG could solve detention problems: Coalition
ABC: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/09/20/3016292.htm
east-timor: [scroll down page]
"The Opposition says Prime Minister Julia Gillard needs to
approach Papua New Guinea about re-opening the detention
centre on Manus Island instead of planning to build more
detention centres on Australian soil."

18 Sep 2010: Age: No refugee trade-offs, says East Timor
"EAST Timor has refused to be party to humanitarian
"trade-offs" in order to satisfy Australia's search for a
country to detain asylum seekers. Ambassador Abel Guterres
said his country understood the plight of refugees and
would not be bought by economic incentives offered by
Australia." Yuko Narushima

18 Sep 2010: Green Left:
Gay detained refugee transferred to Melbourne
GL: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/45433
"Rather than build a centre in East Timor, why not house
refugees here, in Australia? There is no shortage of
housing in the Australian community, and the government
obviously has the money to spend on refugees." Aaron Roden

16 Sep 2010: east-timor: Timor-Leste News September 16, 2010
Will not accept recklessly: Horta
Diario Nacional, September 16, 2010 language source: Tetun
east-timor: [scroll down page]

16 Sep 2010: ABC Radio Australia:
Greens to take Australian govt to task over asylum centres
RA: http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/pacbeat/stories/201009/s3013238.htm
east-timor: [scroll down page]
"But a point of difference which remains for the Greens
party, and the government, is the issue of regional
detention centres proposed for East Timor and the opposition
Liberal party's suggested choice of Nauru."

16 Sep 2010: Age: No Timor refugee centre overnight, says Rudd
"NEW Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd says negotiations on Julia
Gillard's proposal for a regional processing centre on East
Timor will take a long time - and has cast himself in only
a secondary role in the effort." Michelle Grattan

16 Sep 2010: news.com.au:
Only 75 asylum seekers rejected since 2008
"Foreign Affairs Minister Kevin Rudd yesterday also could
not guarantee a new East Timor processing facility in three
years." Simon Benson

15 Sep 2010: SMH:
East Timor defers talks on refugee processing centre
"East Timor has rebuffed Julia Gillard over her plan to
build a regional processing centre for asylum seekers
there, referring the negotiations to a 50-nation meeting on
people smuggling. The decision means any talks to establish
a centre will be more difficult and delayed for months
until a meeting in Indonesia." Lindsay Murdoch

15 Sep 2010: AusGov: Transcript of Rudd press conference
"QUESTION: Mr Rudd, do you think that the East Timor
processing centre can be achieved in this term of Parliament?
KEVIN RUDD: I have been Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Patricia, for a little less than 24 hours. As the Prime
Minister's already noted, this will involve a long process
of negotiation with regional countries and international
organisations. And so, I think it's important that we do
this thoroughly and methodically but I'm being very frank
with you, it will take time."

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