[TimorLesteStudies] Security Council Report: Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Institution Building

Bu Wilson bu.wilson at anu.edu.au
Thu Jan 20 06:54:14 EST 2011

Security Council Report has published an Update Report on Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Institution Building                     On  21 January the Council at the initiative of January’s Council  president, Bosnia and Herzegovina, will hold an open debate on  institution building as part of post-conflict peacebuilding. The  Secretary-General is expected to provide UN Secretariat perspective on  this issue. Timor-Leste’s vice prime minister, Jose Luis Guterres will  give insights on Timor-Leste’s experiences in institution building and  will also be speaking on behalf of the G7+, a forum of vulnerable  states. German Ambassador Peter Wittig is expected to be the first  Council member to speak and will address the Council both in his  capacity as chair of the Peacebuilding Commission (which he holds till  the end of January), as well as in his national capacity. The Council is  expected to adopt a presidential statement at the end of the debate.                    
Security Council Report
         One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza
         885 2nd Avenue @ 48th St, 21st Fl
         New York NY 10017
         T: 212.759.9429 F: 212.759.4038
         contact at securitycouncilreport.org 

Dr Bu V.E. Wilson
T: Australia +61  0  407 087 086
T: Timor-Leste + 670 744 0011
E: buvewilson at gmail.com

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