[TimorLesteStudies] New Paper: Remaking a World Beyond State Demarcation: Emotion, Violence and Memory in Post-conflict Oecussi, East Timor

Bu Wilson bu.wilson at anu.edu.au
Sun Jan 8 17:44:58 EST 2012

Sakti, Victoria Kamala, 2012, "Remaking a World Beyond State Demarcation: Emotion, Violence and Memory in Post-conflict Oecussi, East Timor", Conflict, Memory and Reconciliation: Bridging Past Present and Future Conference, Kigali, Rwanda, 10-13 January 2012.


Abstract Since achieving independence from the 24 years of Indonesian occupation in
2002, reconciliation efforts enabled processes of rebuilding relationships in conflict-torn
East Timor1. Nevertheless, a large number of East Timorese continues to live in the
bordering West Timor, Indonesia. Many of them were involved as pro-Indonesia militias
in the 1999 atrocities and avoid returning to their home country in the fear of retribution.
Based on a multi-sited ethnography this paper demonstrates how the bonds between the
two communities, now separated by a formal state demarcation, continue to be negotiated
in their everyday lives. Scrutinizing the role of emotion in this process and how it is
influenced by existing politics of memory sheds light to what is actually at stake for
people affected by past violent conflict. Ultimately, the paper discusses the questions of
how people process, communicate and remember past experiences of violence and how
emotions are articulated and experienced in these processes.

Dr Bu V.E. Wilson
T: Australia +61  0  407 087 086
T: Timor-Leste + 670 744 0011
E: buvewilson at gmail.com
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