[TimorLesteStudies] Two new articles from Henri Myrttinen

Bu Wilson buvewilson at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 08:35:01 EST 2013

Henri Myrttinen (2013), "Resistance, Symbolism and the Language of Stateness in Timor-Leste", Oceania, Vol. 83, Issue 3 (2013): 208–220

Henri Myrttinen (2013) Phantom Menaces: The Politics of Rumour, Securitisation and Masculine Identities in the Shadows of the Ninjas, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 14:5, 471-485

Dr Bu V.E. Wilson
Principal Consultant
Hau Meni & Associates
P.O. Box 3280
Port Vila, Efate

T: Vanuatu +678 598 2646 (mobile); +678 22626 (landline)
T: Australia +61 (0) 407 087 086
T: Timor-Leste +670 78096748
E: buvewilson at gmail.com

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