[TimorLesteStudies] Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at Center for Global Development

Bu Wilson buvewilson at gmail.com
Wed Nov 12 06:36:27 AEDT 2014

The Center for Global Development (CGD) is now accepting applications for
its Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship program. The Post-Doctoral Research
Fellowship is a one year term appointment running from mid-2015 to
mid-2016, with the precise dates flexible. CGD is an independent,
non-partisan, Washington, DC think tank dedicated to reducing global
poverty and inequality through policy-oriented research and active
engagement on development issues with the policy community and the public.
We invite you to learn more about the Center at http://www.cgdev.org.

CGD studies the policies of the US and other industrialized countries that
affect development prospects in poor countries. The Center aims to provide
young scholars an opportunity to apply their research skills in an active
policy environment, collaborating with a world-renowned research staff of
economists and political scientists and taking advantage of the research
support of CGD research assistants. Staff work with policymakers seeking
rigorous and independent advice on development-related issues. Two Nobel
Laureates currently serve on our Board and we have extensive links to top
development researchers all over the world. Our previous postdocs have
subsequently gone on to tenure track appointments at Stanford, UNC-Chapel
Hill, Yale, Tufts, NYU, UC San Diego, the University of Maryland,
Georgetown, and the University of Pittsburgh. For more information about
our former postdocs, please visit http://www.cgdev.org/page/postdoc.

Interested applicants should send electronic versions of a CV, job market
paper, and cover letter. Applications that do not include all three items
will not be considered. We also strongly encourage you to submit a letter
of recommendation from your advisor, which will do much to support your
application, but this is not required. Your cover letter should describe in
some detail the research you would pursue during a year at CGD, and signal
your willingness to move to Washington for one year (an important selection
criterion). Preference will be given to candidates whose research interests
align with CGD’s—which is to say that they should bear some connection,
broadly interpreted, to the effect of high-income countries’ public or
private sectors on low-income countries in one of the areas of CGD focus:
aid effectiveness, trade, private-sector development, financial markets,
global health, or migration. All materials should be sent to Ms. Ellen
Mackenzie at jobs at cgdev.org <hrjobs at cgdev.org> with “Post-Doctoral Research
Fellow” in the subject line.

Application deadline: November 30, 2014

Dr Bu V.E. Wilson
Principal Consultant
Hau Meni & Associates
P.O. Box 3280
Port Vila, Efate

T: Vanuatu +678 598 2646 (mobile);
+678 22626 (landline)
T: Australia +61 (0) 407 087 086
T: Timor-Leste +670 78472485
E: buvewilson at gmail.com
S: hau.meni
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