[TimorLesteStudies] Update - Charles Scheiner - NGO speaker Melbourne Nov 28

Australia-East Timor Association aetamel at aetamel.org
Tue Nov 24 15:55:42 AEDT 2015

Australia-East Timor Association
Independence Day Dinner 2015
6.00 pm for 6.30 pm, Saturday 28th November

Angliss Restaurant
550 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
near corner of Spencer St

2 course meal      
Drinks from the Bar (not BYO)
$40, (concession $30)

* Guest Speaker: Charles Scheiner *
former National Co-ordinator East Timor Action Network  (ETAN) USA
Researcher at La¹o Hamutuk (Dili, Timor-Leste)
Speaker's topic:
Charles intends to talk about the role of international solidarity in
various phases of TL's struggle -- 1975, 1991
(when ETAN started), 1999 and post independence.  The last part looks at
La'o Hamutuk as case study, in relation to today.
'A luta continua' (the struggle continues)  even if the objectives, allies
and targets may change over time.
About La¹o Hamutuk :
Founded in 2000, La¹o Hamutuk (³Walking Together² in English) is an
independent Timor-Leste nongovernmental
organisation that monitors, analyzes, and reports on development processes
in Timor-Leste, including the policies of
East Timorese government and international institutions engaged in
Timor-Leste. La¹o Hamutuk (LH) believes that
development should be based in the context of Timor-Leste¹s history,
culture, economic, and social conditions.
It will be sustainable only if the people are the ultimate decision makers
in a democratic and transparent development
process. La¹o Hamutuk facilitates communication between the public and
decision makers in Timor-Leste as well as
solidarity with other countries to explore alternative development models.
As a resource centre, the organization
provides literature on development experiences and practices. We believe
that broad participation in development
decision making can help ensure that the people of Timor-Leste will benefit
from their resources, enable them to direct
the development process, and assume the responsibility for protecting their
natural resource wealth.

AETA book stall

Bring your friends: organise a table for up to 10
Please contact AETA if you require a vegetarian meal

Bookings: http://www.trybooking.com <http://www.trybooking.com/GITA> /GITA
 (03) 9416 2960
Email   aetamel at aetamel.org

Australia-East Timor Association
PO Box 93
Fitzroy  VIC 3065

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