[TimorLesteStudies] Research Project

Philip Picard picardph at mail.gvsu.edu
Tue Dec 12 09:42:18 AEDT 2017

Good evening,

       I’m a student at the Grand Valley State University’s Honors College and I’m working on a research project involving East Timor and education (specifically illiteracy). I’m currently working on refining my goals and setting a specific target. To do this I will need to find a few volunteers that would be willing to exchange a few short emails over the coming months so that I can make sure I’m going in the right direction. You don’t have to be an expert as I only need a few sentences worth of information initially to determine feasibility.
       There probably won’t be more than 5 or so emails and they should all be very short. If you personally can’t help it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide me with contact information to someone that can. If you would like some more information please let me know and I can provide you with more or I can get you in contact with my professor (Dr. Lane).

Thank you for your time,

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