[TimorLesteStudies] TLSA Conference: 29-30 June 2017

Hannah Loney loneyh at unimelb.edu.au
Fri Feb 24 13:30:35 AEDT 2017

New Research on Timor-Leste
A TLSA Research Conference
Liceu Campus, National University of Timor-Lorosa'e (UNTL),
Avenida Cidade de Lisboa, Dili, Timor-Leste 29-30 June 2017
This two-day conference for researchers is organised by the Timor-Leste Studies Association (TLSA). The TLSA is an interdisciplinary, international research network focussed on all aspects of research into East Timorese society, including politics and history, economics, communications, health, language, agriculture and science.
During this year's conference there will be two special streams, the first on the theme of 'Elections' co-convened by Clinton Fernandes and Mica Barreto Soares, and the second on the theme of 'Gender Research in Timor-Leste' co-convened by Sara Niner and Therese Tam.
Papers examining Timor-Leste's regional and international relationships, and East Timorese perspectives on regional and global issues, are also encouraged. The 'New Research on Timor-Leste' conference will be co-hosted by the National University of Timor-Lorosa'e, Swinburne University of Technology, and the University of Lisbon.

The organisers now call for papers addressing any aspect of social science/ humanities/ scientific research related to Timor-Leste, with a particular emphasis on the place of Timor-Leste within the region and internationally. The conference organisers welcome papers from academics, researchers, activists, community groups and policy makers. A refereed conference proceedings publication may be published. Conference sub-themes will include, but are not limited to, the following:
*         Regional Studies
*         Peace-building
*         Politics and International Relations
*         History and Heritage
*         Culture and Society
*         Anthropology and Archaeology
*         Economics, Business and Trade
*         Development Policy
*         International Development Assistance
*         Agriculture
*         Health Policy
*         Gender Issues
*         Language and Linguistics
*         Education
*         Anti-corruption
*         Timor-Leste's regional and international relationships
*         East Timorese perspectives on regional and global issues
*         Elections
*         Gender research in Timor-Leste


Papers may be presented in Tetum, Portuguese, English or Indonesian.

Please send all proposals for 20 minute papers, with a 150-word abstract by Friday 14th April 2017 to: tlsa2017 at tlstudies.org <mailto:tlsa2017 at tlstudies.org>
Tetum language papers should also be sent cc Antero da Silva (National University of Timor Lorosae) anterob at gmail.com<mailto:anterob at gmail.com>
Portuguese language papers should also be sent cc Prof Nuno Canas Mendes (University of Lisbon) ncm at iscsp.ulisboa.pt <mailto:ncm at iscsp.ulisboa.pt>
Bahasa Indonesia language papers should also be sent cc Alarico da Costa Ximenes (National University Timor-Lorosa'e) alaricodacosta at rocketmail.com<mailto:alaricodacosta at rocketmail.com>
Papers on the Elections should also be sent to cc: Clinton Fernandes (University of New South Wales) C.Fernandes at adfa.edu.au<mailto:C.Fernandes at adfa.edu.au>
Papers on Gender research in Timor Leste should also be sent cc: Sara Niner. (Monash University) sara.niner at monash.edu <mailto:sara.niner at monash.edu> and Theresa Tam (UNTL) atam320 at gmail.com<mailto:atam320 at gmail.com>


Further information regarding registration will be available online soon.

<mailto:alaricodacosta at rocketmail.com>
See registration details (available online shortly) for special discounts for East Timorese participants.


The 'New Research in Timor-Leste' conference will precede the Victoria University/UNTL 'Finding Strategies to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals' conference to be held in Dili on 3-4 July 2017. For further information about this conference, please contact Helen Hill: helen.hill at email.com<mailto:helen.hill at email.com>

These are linked conferences and discounted co-registration will be available for those who attend both.

On the weekend between these two conference (Saturday 1 - Sunday 2 July), a number of expos and special events will take place in Dili. More details will be available soon.


Further details about registration, accommodation and travel will be available soon on the website: http://www.tlstudies.org/index.html

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