[TimorLesteStudies] New book: Hilton Deakin, "Bonded Through Tragedy, United in Hope - The Catholic Church and East Timor's Struggle for Independence: A Memoir" (Garratt Publishing, 2017)

Michael Leach mleach at swin.edu.au
Fri Jun 2 13:51:42 AEST 2017

From: Garratt Publishing <sales at garrattpublishing.com.au<mailto:sales at garrattpublishing.com.au>>
Subject: How does a nation unite during tragedy?
Date: 29 May 2017 at 9:00:10 AM AEST
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Bonded Through Tragedy
United in Hope

Hilton Deakin is a Catholic bishop and a key figure in East Timor’s struggle for self-determination. At a time when most Australians had little knowledge of, or sympathy for the plight of the East Timorese under Indonesian occupation, he became a confidante to independence fighters and their supporters and a voice for the voiceless. Not just a personal story, this is a story of one country’s struggle for independence – where compassion, courage and commitment won out.


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The Catholic Church and East Timor's Struggle for Independence: A Memoir

RRP $29.95 - 9781925073324

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