[TimorLesteStudies] Charles Scheiner message '1991-1996 "Documents" archive'

luispintotimor at yahoo.com luispintotimor at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 19 11:32:32 AEST 2019

Further to Charlie Scheiner's message about the information to be found in ETAN's 'Documents on East Timor from PeaceNet and Connected Computer Networks' archive, interested researchers should also note that the Barbedo Archive (Faculty of Engineering, Porto, Portugal) holds a vast collection of Timor-related newspaper articles, spanning 1957-2012.

A preliminary description of the Barbedo Archive was produced in 2017 by Elisabete Costa.

Sources for the 'press series' include the Portuguese press, a Portuguese press-clipping service, TAPOL, Jakarta Post, emails from ETAN, John Miller, Paul Barber, etc.

The Barbedo Archive catalogue used to be available here:  https://biblioteca.fe.up.pt/arquivo/index.html  but as of late, there seems to be an issue with external online access via the 'gisaweb' application (https://gisaweb.fe.up.pt/units-of-description/?q=)

A more detailed description of the Barbedo Archive 'press series' should be available shortly.

Luis Pinto
PhD student
Universidade do Porto

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